Last active 2 years ago
done with this. even copying a faction into a new faction..nothing but turret errors and all kinds of other crap. This is some buggy stuff right here. I've reached my arma bug burnout for the decade.
I don't think you need to sync it. I use it and don't sync it. There is nothing quite like a civilian walking around and all of a sudden he starts beeping as he approaches you. I also came upon a randomly spawned civilian vehicle one time, and I did not clear the vehicle. I just thought I would jump in and use it with my small team. as soon as I got in the vehicle, the ied went off and killed me. I have not really seen people driving cars that are set to explode. But I have got that to happen using Spyder's addons. Using Spyder's addons really compliments alive very well, and can make things very dangerous
I have tried using vanilla nato, and rhs usarmy d. same errors with any and all factions that I use vanilla or not. There is not a single video tutorial, that actually shows the new faction being packed into a pbo, and then showing that it works in Arma. Not even spyders videos dated from 2016. I follow his directions to the letter, and everything goes just like it should. until I start arma with the faction I created using his directions, then it just crashes and I have to eliminate the faction altogether just to get arma working again. I am beginning to believe that the ORBAT creator is rather buggy and that the failures people experience with using it, far outweigh the successes seen from using it. The bugginess of the various arma things in general has nearly brought me to burnout due to buggy. Almost nothing works like it should, unless you just go with a very basic gameplay.
And it doesn't matter what I do. I can straight up copy an existing faction and create a new faction and not modify anything other than copying a faction into a new faction, and still get error messages like this. And line 44 when I looked at it, was weapon info for that soldier. This is the crap that has me just about done and burnt out on Arma. Follow directions to a T, and still can't get things to work. And not just with this but with pretty much everything in regards to creating stuff for Arma. It is beyond frustrating.
File test\autogen.hpp, line44: /CfgVehicles/BRR_OFFICER_01.EventHandlers:Undefined base class 'EventHandlers'
also, I just cannot get this to work. I am creating a new faction, using nato soldiers, but am completely changing their loadout. Everything in the autogen and cfg patches looks like it's taking, and when I pbo the faction and add it to my arma, arma crashes on startup with an error relating to the newly created faction. All the instructional vids, exclude a visualization of this part of the process, to include showing the startup of arma and the faction working. Is it just me, or is this part of the process the problem child of this whole process?
in the @testmod file we download, the included cfgpatches has a long list of stuff already in there. Do we need to keep that all in the file, or delete it all and paste our exported cfgpatches in there instead? Or does all that info already in there need to stay, and if so, do we just paste our cfgpatches below all that?
If you don't have a blufor setup, and you yourself are blufor, you won't have access to any support. I think to get the opfor to attack where you want, you would have to adjust the objective priority settings higher than anything else to get the opfor to focus on that. if I am right about that, you could also turn down how many simultaneous attacks the opfor will conduct, forcing even more of the opfor to focus on your objective. As for not wanting blufor helping to defend the site with alive ai, you could change the settings in the blufor modules to have the blufor AI to ignore your site. I could be wrong, but I think it is all possible through the various alive modules
Worse, because more often than not, your ground transport AI will never reach their destination.