Last active 5 years ago
Ok well but will this leave the logistics to ground convoy (trucks etc.) only?
Sorry again - I am sure I found this issue somewhere a thousand times but am not able to find it again. Therefore need to repost to get some clarity.
Please consider this:
As you can see the whole team is mashed up at that point. They stall in air and cannot do stuff but crash into each other. One of the helicopters also is spinning around lol.
I watched that some time and then saw the infantry just jumping outside the vehicles in mid-air.
How can I turn air transport completly off? I want the enemy OPCOM deliver his reinforcements only by CONVOY / Groundforces. It kills the immersion of my mission that these guys have hundrets of choppers flying around delivering only a jeep or something like that. Just feels wrong.
I started a mission of my server with ALiVE. After 1 1/2 days I joined my server again to check out what has happened meanwhile and how the two battling factions have evolved.
When activated profiles debug I was kinda surprised of the really large situations that seem to be active. Take a look at this screenshot of the map:
But when I teleported myself to one of those conflicts I was disappointed. I had no lagging which is nothing unusal since the units are spawning. And after a while I figured out that there is nobody spawning actually.
Also very odd is that I see a mix of "e34" profile labels and also these plain icons one would see if they would activate unit marking.
So I scanned the .rpt file and this is what I found so far:
The first log as I joined the server
12:12:42 Error position: <reverse _unitAssignments; { { [_comman> 12:12:42 Error reverse: Type Number,Not a Number, expected Array 12:12:42 File \x\alive\addons\sys_profile\fnc_profileSimulator.sqf [ALiVE_fnc_profileSimulator], line 2676 12:12:42 Unaccessible 12:12:42 OPC DATA [8.73844e+008,"76561197977776587","xetra11",true,5] 12:12:42 Error in expression <+(_vehAssignment param [2, [], [[]]]); reverse _unitAssignments; { {
And the major code that followed afterwards since I triggered unit spawning as I teleported to their positions.
12:13:43 [ACRE] (sys_server) WARNING: Duplicate radio ID found! Attempting replace of (xetra11acre_sem52sl_id_1) idi\acre\addons\sys_server\fnc_masterIdTracker.sqf:192 12:13:44 [ACRE] (sys_server) WARNING: Id object relation created independently of unique ID creation process (acre_sem52sl_id_2)! idi\acre\addons\sys_server\fnc_masterIdTracker.sqf:246 12:13:44 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_121) 12:14:11 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_93) 12:14:11 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_93) 12:14:18 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_121) 12:15:14 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_93) 12:15:14 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_93) 12:15:39 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_121) 12:16:02 Error: Object(5 : 51) not found 12:16:02 Error: Object(5 : 52) not found 12:16:02 Error: Object(5 : 51) not found 12:16:02 Error: Object(5 : 52) not found 12:16:16 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_121) 12:16:19 Server: Object 5:56 not found (message Type_454) 12:16:19 Server: Object 5:59 not found (message Type_93) 12:16:19 Server: Object 5:57 not found (message Type_121) 12:16:19 Error: Object(5 : 59) not found 12:16:19 Error: Object(5 : 59) not found 12:16:19 Client: Object 5:55 (type Type_121) not found. 12:16:19 Client: Object 5:55 (type Type_93) not found. 12:16:19 Client: Object 5:55 (type Type_454) not found. 12:16:20 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_93) 12:16:20 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_93) 12:16:25 [ACRE] (sys_server) WARNING: Desync - Garbage collection prevented for radio 'acre_sem52sl_id_2' from player 'xetra11' as it still exists for them locally! idi\acre\addons\sys_server\fnc_stopRadioGarbageCollect.sqf:27 12:16:36 [ACRE] (sys_server) WARNING: Desync - Garbage collection prevented for radio 'acre_sem52sl_id_2' from player 'xetra11' as it still exists for them locally! idi\acre\addons\sys_server\fnc_stopRadioGarbageCollect.sqf:27 12:16:45 [ACRE] (sys_server) WARNING: Desync - Garbage collection prevented for radio 'acre_sem52sl_id_2' from player 'xetra11' as it still exists for them locally! idi\acre\addons\sys_server\fnc_stopRadioGarbageCollect.sqf:27 12:17:34 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_93) 12:17:34 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_93) 12:17:53 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_121) 12:18:28 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_121) 12:18:44 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_93) 12:18:44 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_93) 12:19:55 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_93) 12:19:55 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_93) 12:20:05 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_121) 12:20:39 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_121) 12:21:07 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_93) 12:21:07 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_93) 12:21:45 ALIVE Profile Handler - Un-Register Profile [CFP_B_USARMY_WDL-vehicle_16] 12:21:47 ALIVE Profile Handler - Un-Register Profile [CFP_O_IS-entity_324] 12:21:47 ALIVE Profile Handler - Un-Register Profile [CFP_O_IS-entity_324] 12:21:51 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_121) 12:21:51 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_93) 12:21:51 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_93) 12:21:53 ALIVE Profile Handler - Register Profile [player_0] 12:22:00 ALIVE Profile Handler - Un-Register Profile [CFP_B_USARMY_WDL-vehicle_15] 12:22:00 ALIVE Profile Handler - Un-Register Profile [CFP_B_USARMY_WDL-entity_19] 12:22:01 ALIVE Profile Handler - Un-Register Profile [CFP_B_USARMY_WDL-entity_1549] 12:22:03 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_121) 12:22:03 VEHICLE CFP_O_IS-vehicle_582 slingload: [] slung: [] 12:22:03 No speaker given for 'Qadeer Gailani' 12:22:08 ALIVE Profile Handler - Un-Register Profile [CFP_O_IS-entity_336] 12:22:09 ALiVE_fnc_HashGet retrieved wrong input [any,"debug",false] from ALiVE_fnc_hashGet! 12:22:09 Error in expression <logic, _args] spawn { private _debug = [_logic, "debug", false] call ALIVE_fnc_h> 12:22:09 Error position: <_logic, "debug", false] call ALIVE_fnc_h> 12:22:09 Error Undefined variable in expression: _logic 12:22:09 File \x\alive\addons\mil_C2ISTAR\fnc_taskHandler.sqf [ALiVE_fnc_taskHandler], line 2328 12:22:09 ALiVE SYS_PLAYER - PLAYER UNIT FOUND IN PLAYABLEUNITS (bis_o2_105371) 12:22:09 DATA: Restoring player data for bis_o2_105371 12:22:16 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_93) 12:22:16 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_93) 12:22:18 No speaker given for 'Hussein Khalili' 12:22:20 ALIVE Profile Handler - Un-Register Profile [CFP_B_USARMY_WDL-entity_1554] 12:22:31 No speaker given for 'Basharat Khara' 12:22:31 No speaker given for 'Haikal Noori' 12:22:35 Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/CheckpointsBarricadesSmall/CheckpointBunkers,[6564.48,6578.56,0],32.3939,"CFP_O_IS"] 12:22:35 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_121) 12:22:37 ALIVE Profile Handler - Un-Register Profile [CFP_O_IS-entity_1380] 12:22:40 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_93) 12:22:40 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_93) 12:22:46 No speaker given for 'Abdul-Mussawir Adel' 12:22:46 No speaker given for 'Sadat Jalali' 12:22:48 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_121) 12:22:51 Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/CheckpointsBarricadesLarge/CheckpointWatchtower,[12033,7263.57,0],79.958,"CFP_O_IS"] 12:23:00 No speaker given for 'Mufid Ratebzad' 12:23:00 No speaker given for 'Ismail Zakhilwal' 12:23:05 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_93) 12:23:05 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_93) 12:23:15 No speaker given for 'Jamal Yusufzai' 12:23:15 No speaker given for 'Hasan Tanwir' 12:23:15 VEHICLE CFP_O_IS-vehicle_1181 slingload: [] slung: [] 12:23:20 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_121) 12:23:30 soldier[cfp_o_is_autorifleman]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 12:23:30 soldier[cfp_o_is_autorifleman]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 12:23:30 Ref to nonnetwork object 136057d5c0# 1099777: fielduniform.p3d 12:23:30 No speaker given for 'Abdul-Latif Hakimi' 12:23:30 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_93) 12:23:30 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_93) 12:23:30 VEHICLE CFP_O_IS-vehicle_1182 slingload: [] slung: [] 12:23:33 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_121) 12:23:45 soldier[cfp_o_is_machinegunner]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 12:23:45 soldier[cfp_o_is_machinegunner]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 12:23:45 Ref to nonnetwork object 1351e18f00# 1099836: fielduniform.p3d 12:23:45 No speaker given for 'Hasib Haidari' 12:23:46 VEHICLE CFP_O_IS-vehicle_434 slingload: [] slung: [] 12:23:55 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_93) 12:23:55 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_93) 12:24:02 soldier[cfp_o_is_machinegunner]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 12:24:02 soldier[cfp_o_is_machinegunner]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 12:24:02 Ref to nonnetwork object 13655c70c0# 1099872: fielduniform.p3d 12:24:02 No speaker given for 'Abdul-Aziz Jalali' 12:24:02 VEHICLE CFP_O_IS-vehicle_435 slingload: [] slung: [] 12:24:06 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_121) 12:24:17 soldier[cfp_o_is_autorifleman]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 12:24:17 soldier[cfp_o_is_autorifleman]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 12:24:17 No speaker given for 'Basharat Gailani' 12:24:18 VEHICLE CFP_O_IS-vehicle_952 slingload: [] slung: [] 12:24:18 cup\wheeledvehicles\cup_wheeledvehicles_uaz\optika_ags30.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape 12:24:20 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_93) 12:24:20 Server: Object 2:4126 not found (message Type_93) 12:24:20 Server: Object 2:4125 not found (message Type_121) 12:24:31 No speaker given for 'Abdul-Qadir Jawadi'
thx for pointing out!
Hey Bud,
What was the script for that again?!
I have about three A-10 roaming around my HQ within five waypoints. When I take part in a task assigned by ALiVE I sometimes go into another part of the map. It actually happens all the time that my planes are actually around the battlefield and taking part. That is kinda cool but I would love to know if I can control this behaviour and what is actually happening here?
What numbers do you guys normally set?
I only use Company Size (200) for Mil and Civ Placement and 5 simultatnous attacks
When you say sitrep - will my custom SitReps that I can produce through C2ISTAR leave a mark on the map as well? So other player squads can see my reports through this "simulated friendly network" ?
I activated the "C2ISTAR" Module option to allow Intel on Map and wonder what is the difference between this intel information and the one I can see within the C2ISTAR Intel menu.
I can see two different levels on information by every option. What I observed to far:
Intel option within the C2ISTAR Tablet
These information are pretty rough but can still tell me where some action is happening
Intel on Map by module option
These infos are pretty much more detailed but also very confusing for me.
Example Screenshot:
I find the second options pretty good to be honest because these intel are pretty immersive. But I do not understand why these two ways of giving intel are separated? Is there a future plan to merge them together but at the moment they simply are tested out on their own?