

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Wed May 4 08:05:11 2016
    P psvialli started the conversation Work out When Task is Complete.


    How can I know when a Task has been completed , as I need to give a Reward once a Task has been completed.


  2. Mon May 2 14:22:39 2016

    OK retried it again today but same results , if i Disconnect using Abort then come out completely reconnect I start at spawn location not where I left of and with start Gear - then if i exit again using Alive save and go out / come back in the same - spawn at start / spawn Gear not what i had when i disconnected.

    Is it Just me or is Saving just not working ?

  3. Sun May 1 13:36:43 2016

    ahhh OK :)

  4. Sat Apr 30 21:55:23 2016

    Hmmm ok changed it to respawnOnStart = -1;

    Replaced Module , come in / out 4 times did not save gear or position :(

  5. Sat Apr 30 19:51:38 2016

    @SpyderBlack723 In the description.ext, change respawnOnStart to 0 (issue with the mission, sorry!)

    respawnOnStart = 0;

    Also when you first connect to the server, spawn in, then disconnect reconnect again (this is a bug with the current build -- fixed in next release).

    See if that helps resolve the issue.

    You must have changed it as it is set to 0 Already :)

    Ill try replacing the Module & come in / out a a few times to see if it works the 2nd time :)

  6. Sat Apr 30 19:35:08 2016

    OK can someone please help me , just getting back into ALIVE after a long break ( building a terrain ) Now I am having issues with Saving players Stats / Position.

    It just will not save so I thought it was my mission so i downloaded the "Insurgency Alive mission" via the site and run that , I teleport to a new location save player stats via the menu - disconnect completely - rejoin the server and i start in the spawn location not where I disconnected from ?

    Double checked and replace the modules just to make sure - i can see the mission in the WarRoom and the feed is fine i.e kills etc...

    .RPT log from server .
    This is me connecting - saving disconnecting completely re joining , i start at base not where i disconnected from - then i save & close server - no error message on Save - but on Restart it starts fresh again ?


    Hope someone can help - :)

  7. Sat Apr 30 12:02:21 2016
    P psvialli posted in Reset WarRoom Stats.

    K thanks will leave as is :)

  8. Fri Apr 29 18:28:40 2016
    P psvialli started the conversation Reset WarRoom Stats.

    Hi is it possible to Reset all our Stats and start again or is it better to close the Group and create a new one ?


  9. 8 years ago
    Wed Apr 27 12:34:58 2016

    Ahhhhh Perfect !!!!!

    Thanks !!!

  10. Wed Apr 27 12:20:51 2016

    Hmmmm ok, but don't they already have a Killed EH i could tap into , or would i need to add another then ?

    Would this work ?


    class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
     class Man {
      init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'my_randomEH.sqf')";


    private "_this";
    _this = _this select 0;
    if ((side _this == EAST) and (!isPlayer _this)) then {
    _this addEventHandler [ "killed", { _this execVM "scripts\AIdeath.sqf"; }]; 


    *** run a random % change they drop a item when killed...
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