Last active 9 years ago
haha option 2 would be preferable, but understandably harder. anything is better than using combat support to pickup my guys and bring them to me!
as a thought on option 2 - could you et it up so we all spawn in the air together, and by you selecting OPEN SHOOT in the action menu will also make them open their shoots? rather than having to script in an altitude to pull at? just a thought - maybe thats harder. IDK
cool! cant wait to try them out tonight!
As I play single player almost exclusively these days - can the halo insertion bring your Ai squad mates with you? Halo has always been a very cool/fun feature... but not when you have to wait for your squad mates to catch up using alternate transportation.
Spyder, I noticed the Insertion option on the flag pole doesn't seem to work properly. I select - it says preparing the operation, or insertion (can't remember), then I appear on the ground where I selected (no HALO), and I lose command of my squad and end up part of a 13 man squad (not SL).
I changed disabledAI = 0 so that I could play on my own.
assume this is not the intention. or perhaps wasn't completed?
I think a video is more work than perhaps its worth in this case. But I would transfer what you have here to a PDF with accompanying visuals/screen grabs right next to the corresponding text. the text document is hard to read/follow at times.
as a beginner its easier to follow written step by step explanations because you can go at your own pace and figure things out. whereas a video you'd have to keep pausing and going back to watch a section over and over.
However, where i think a video would be useful is in showing comparisons and difference between settings. for example: with all modules already placed, here's how setting X looks. Now lets change setting X and see how that effects the world.
or if you've got a really cool feature in a template then you can show in a video how that works, and whats the result. Sometimes that is easier than trying to explain a course of events in text.
my two cents
look forward to seeing the UAV in Combat Support! Is this something that you can pass along to be implemented by default if it all works as planned?
Great template by the way! Perfect starting point and written explanation for beginners.
I would only add to the end of step 5, the reason it doesn't place units in the opposing factions TAOR marker. (eg because you've defined that BLU_F units will only occupy the BLU marker in the Placement modules)
great work! thank you. I look forward to further iterations
oh. I didn't realize alive can only deal with crewed vehicles. That would explain why it wasn't an option when it would seem to make logical sense for "support"
some things that come to mind:
respawn templates: I assume these would be in your current templates already but more specifically the way End Game handles it is probably the neatest most user friendly version I've seen. Base, group leader respawn is probably all any small group of players would need. respawning with the gear you had (with ammo replenished) would be a nice feature - unless the player chooses another kit from the gear selection menu - which is also a great feature.
Calling in a UAV within the Alive support modules/tablet. and perhaps doing so could then ADD the ability to connect to it through the action menu. (trying to eliminate the need to carry so many different tablets and devices from the start)
Multiple objectives to choose from when using auto-generate in C2ISTAR. (perhaps even using End Games systems to display them in the 3D world and on the Map) The player can then choose which one he wants, which will delete the others. Map and 3D world updates. When that objective is complete, then auto-generate will figure out a few more based on the new position / military data.
sorry if these are straying from the simple templates you want to create. its starting to sound more like feature requests - but perhaps they will spark some ideas.
once i see what you've done in the template so far I'll send more constructive feedback.
This is fantastic guys! Exactly what i think the interested yet scripting deficient minded players need! - like myself.
Please PLEASE keep going with this. Templates are extremely useful for quick adjustments to make a new mission for our needs, as well as to dissect and learn from!
I am a 5 year player of Arma but can't script worth a damn. I have many great ideas for what I would like to do.. but find the documentation out there very overwhelming and confusing. there is information on all the available functions/commands/ whatevers.... but not enough tutorials/examples on how to implement them and make them all work together for a solid mission.
thank you for doing this and please keep up the good work!
I'll check out the templates tonight - and post back any thoughts
in case this hasn't been answered yet - you need to edit the mission through the multiplayer editor. move your mission folder over to your MPmissions folder. then through multiplayer - new - chose your mission and hit EDIT.
then you should find that the insertion module works.
confirmed - I get this too