Last active 5 years ago
The current version of ALiVE is fine for dedicated servers and listen servers alike.
You already have them in your ACE > optionals folder.
Just move the ones you need + their BISIGN files to the addons folder in ACE.
I don't know why I do not have this problem with the VCOM script.
The worst issue I have had with it was the transport choppers refusing to land but that ONLY happened on Tanoa.
Hmmm, what about the ACE compatability pbo's for RHS weapons etc? Are you using them?
Currently completing an Insurgency on Takistan. Everything works fine, even the weather >.<
Just another day in Takistan
Are you using ACE3?
The landing autopilot will always set the descent angle of the plane short of the runway for AI (and player controlled aircraft).
I usually use a blacklist marker inside the the main TAOR marker.
Example: Blufor TAOR = "blu"
area I populate with my vehicles is covered by a another marker name "noblu"
Of course that is the blacklist marker.
The AA unit blacklists can be found at
The motorized issue can depend on a few things.
How many units did you tell the Commander to place?
What is the hard limit of group spawns allowed set to in the Virtual AI module?
Etc, etc. The more details you give the easier it is to help.
Everything sounds good.
Any errors? Does your issues start when a certain event happens?
Its hard for anyone to tell you that a server company is the exact reason for performance issues. All anyone can do is make sure you are setup correctly and if so then blame the host lol.