

Last active 10 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    Mon Feb 16 16:51:26 2015
    M mrkeeno posted in Alive will only spawn CSAT.

    Confirmed - I'm a plonker :)

    Thanks for the help Spyder, your suggestion worked perfectly.

  2. Mon Feb 16 15:56:51 2015
    M mrkeeno posted in Alive will only spawn CSAT.

    God dammit, I'm Nearly sure I have used blufor instead of blu_f. I will check as soon as I get home and update. Thanks

  3. Mon Feb 16 14:13:37 2015
    M mrkeeno started the conversation Alive will only spawn CSAT.

    Hi Guys

    I must be doing something really stupid but no matter what I do I can only get alive to spawn in OPFOR units.

    I follow the quick start guide for placing the core modules and also the BLUFOR/OPFOR and start the mission, however even within the BLUFOR base it still spawns in OPFOR units. I have left out the OPFOR section of the guide but even that doesn't help.

    Feeling a bit silly as I have successfully built a few co-op missions for our clan using the previous versions of Alive, all without any hassle.

  4. Mon Oct 27 21:36:02 2014
    M mrkeeno posted in CQB - infantry leaving buildings.

    Thanks for the reply Jay.

  5. Mon Oct 13 20:04:05 2014
    M mrkeeno started the conversation CQB - infantry leaving buildings.

    Hi all

    Is there a way to stop infantry from leaving the buildings once they spawn? It happens constantly in the smaller strategic buildings, not so much in the larger watch towers and so on.

  6. Mon Oct 13 07:03:33 2014
    M mrkeeno posted in Disable map markers.

    Thanks for the reply, I actually managed to figure it out via trial and error. Our clan played our first sunday OP last night using this mod and it was a hugh success. It was great as the mission maker not knowing what to expect for a change.

  7. Fri Oct 10 21:16:00 2014
    M mrkeeno started the conversation Disable map markers.

    Hi All

    I am trying to convince our clan that Alive is a mod we should use however when I build a mission and play it on our server all the map markers are there showing enemy positions and so on. Adjusting the game settings doesn't seem to make any difference, the markers are still there. I am probably being stupid but google search's are coming up with nowt.

    Thanks in advance

  8. Fri Oct 10 21:08:35 2014
    M mrkeeno joined the forum.