

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Thu Nov 10 22:20:45 2016
    ToTo posted in ORBAT Creator General FAQ.

    With the latest workshop release I get this when trying to pack :
    The quad bike is the vanilla FIA one... And he can't read config.cpp?!? Wut?

  2. Mon Nov 7 20:02:00 2016
    ToTo posted in ORBAT Creator General FAQ.

    Oh. I understand the limitation, but from a user perspective, there's not much point using the ORBAT creator without addons, especially such a widespread one (but known for its oddities and weird custom scripts, agreed). No critic here, just user-oriented feedback : )
    It does work fine without RHS.

  3. Mon Nov 7 18:02:52 2016
    ToTo posted in ORBAT Creator General FAQ.

    I have the same problem as dev614, with the same error message. The first time, I rebuilt my faction from scratch and could not export the result... Rather frustrating. Latest version changed nothing. I only have CBA, Alive and RHS active...

  4. Tue Oct 4 17:29:01 2016
    ToTo posted in ORBAT Creator General FAQ.

    @hugodm9 The weapon loading has been adressed in the latest dev version Spyder linked (I think?), Although I noticed that when I reload the faction in the ORBAT editor, every unit is now short of 1 magazine of each type. Oh and I get duplicate items in a RHS backpack too now (6 smokes of each type instead of two)...

  5. Tue Oct 4 10:45:39 2016
    ToTo posted in ORBAT Creator General FAQ.

    Thanks for the help! You're right, there seems to be some kind of problem with the R3F uniforms, as the reported bugs did not happen with a unit inherited from NATO and equiped with RHS gear (I should have tried that first). I'll mess around to find a fix...

    EDIT: ok so in the autogen.hpp for my french faction, the 'uniformClass =' is entirely missing for every unit... No idea why. I guess I'll have to manually add it. The uniform content is in the code tho, but it has nowhere to go (yet).

    EDIT 2: uniformClass manual correction worked for the uniform reversion problem in the DRO mission, but the uniforms are still empty. I give up for today. Heres's my autogen.hpp if anyone wants to check:

  6. Sun Oct 2 19:14:45 2016
    ToTo posted in ORBAT Creator General FAQ.

    Hi and thanks for the awesome tool you gave us! Although I still have some trouble with it.
    I'm trying to make a french army faction combining assets from the R3F mods, RHS and FFAA. Created a new faction, a new unit from the R3F mod which I used as a template for the others, imported a few vehicles and created groups, everything works fine including pbo packing.
    Except that back in the editor, every unit has its uniform empty. Everything else is saved, but not the uniform content.
    Another weird thing that may be related I noticed, using the Dynamic Recon Ops scenarios, the faction is available but every unit revert to its inherited class unit's uniform. I tried with a unit inheriting a vanilla NATO one just to be sure, and it did revert to the NATO MTP coverall (again every other piece of gear is what it should be)
    So is it me, the mods or did I catch something here?

  7. 9 years ago
    Fri Mar 4 18:51:30 2016

    @SpyderBlack723 Yup you missed it ^ ^ , one of the first thing I checked. Everything is on low.

    EDIT: here is a picture illustrating the fact they really are fleeing the place, not just getting away from the approaching troops.

  8. Fri Mar 4 18:36:31 2016

    Ok this is getting weird... With BLUFOR the civilians behave properly, but with CSAT units too (single patrol in town). So they really don't like the CUP takistani militia, nor the CAF agressor version (I had the same problem with it), or its something with the init on some of these units. I'm confused, and I don't have the time to properly test their behaviour over multiple tries...

  9. Fri Mar 4 18:01:37 2016

    @HeroesandvillainsOS I occasionally witness some of them running too, but here it's a different behaviour, they ALL run, and away from the village/troops...

    @Woody05 I'll try with BLUEFOR but I doubt its gonna make any difference.

  10. Fri Mar 4 16:16:31 2016

    @SavageCDN No gameplay changing mods exept C2 - Command and Control. I'll try without this one later today... Otherwise it's just CBA, Alive, CUP and a few maps.
    When I remove the OPFOR units, civilians behave properly (walking around, sitting...). I thought about the faction relations, but everything is on low.

    EDIT: C2 is not the culprit here. No changes...

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