ORBAT Creator General FAQ

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  2. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    If even one unit is misspelled or not included in the cfgpatches, the entire group that unit is in will not show up in Zeus. That would be the very first thing I'd check (I made that mistake myself! Lol) Maybe an important asset such as the team leader is just misspelled in the cfgpatches file or something?

  3. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Here is a WIP version of the ORBAT Creator using the latest code from my local copy.


    Releasing early because it includes many improvements to functionality and workflow.

    Notable features that I can remember:

    • Copy faction button for a one-stop-shop for copying a faction without creating errors
    • Civilian factions can now be created/handled.
    • Additional export options -- CfgPatches, Single unit / All units, Single group / All groups
    • Cleaner, more expansive UI
    • Probably some other stuff

    Do not use this version unless you are utilizing the ORBAT Creator.

  4. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Noticed an error in exporting CfgPatches, will hotfix.

    Edit: Link updated

  5. So, Spyder. Little confused by the Unit creator in the new ORBAT. Overall it looks better from the UI aspects, but the Units tab is very non-intuitive.
    Maybe you can give a quick rundown on which section is your import from, and which is for the new unit?
    I see the Ownership section, and I /assume/ that is for the new faction you are working on.

  6. Everything is exactly the same, it's just ordered vertically as opposed to left to right.

  7. Edited 7 years ago by ToTo

    Hi and thanks for the awesome tool you gave us! Although I still have some trouble with it.
    I'm trying to make a french army faction combining assets from the R3F mods, RHS and FFAA. Created a new faction, a new unit from the R3F mod which I used as a template for the others, imported a few vehicles and created groups, everything works fine including pbo packing.
    Except that back in the editor, every unit has its uniform empty. Everything else is saved, but not the uniform content.
    Another weird thing that may be related I noticed, using the Dynamic Recon Ops scenarios, the faction is available but every unit revert to its inherited class unit's uniform. I tried with a unit inheriting a vanilla NATO one just to be sure, and it did revert to the NATO MTP coverall (again every other piece of gear is what it should be)
    So is it me, the mods or did I catch something here?

  8. I would try with only ALiVE and CBA enabled. Nobody has reported similar issues.

  9. Edited 7 years ago by ToTo

    Thanks for the help! You're right, there seems to be some kind of problem with the R3F uniforms, as the reported bugs did not happen with a unit inherited from NATO and equiped with RHS gear (I should have tried that first). I'll mess around to find a fix...

    EDIT: ok so in the autogen.hpp for my french faction, the 'uniformClass =' is entirely missing for every unit... No idea why. I guess I'll have to manually add it. The uniform content is in the code tho, but it has nowhere to go (yet).

    EDIT 2: uniformClass manual correction worked for the uniform reversion problem in the DRO mission, but the uniforms are still empty. I give up for today. Heres's my autogen.hpp if anyone wants to check: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ryexbvr16jp3g9y/autogen.hpp?dl=0

  10. Edited 7 years ago by hugodm9

    I'm getting the same problem as ToTo, using VSM uniforms. Another problem is some units are spawning with their weapons empty, most of the time they will reload on spawn. But for example, a missile specialist only reloads the launcher.

  11. @hugodm9 The weapon loading has been adressed in the latest dev version Spyder linked (I think?), Although I noticed that when I reload the faction in the ORBAT editor, every unit is now short of 1 magazine of each type. Oh and I get duplicate items in a RHS backpack too now (6 smokes of each type instead of two)...

  12. Edited 7 years ago by hugodm9

    @ToTo Hey buddy, i'm still getting the same problem with weapons reload in the dev version.
    On spawn, units only reload one of their weapons.

  13. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I've had some PM's from people asking me about ORBAT and reloading as well. Seems to be a common frustration. I'm not noticing any issues with my units (they reload on spawn) but I can see how it may be a problem when RPG's, launchers, pistols and other items are involved.

    @SpyderBlack723 perhaps you can put in that hacky failsafe you mentioned a few weeks ago in a future update?

  14. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    It's already in the dl I posted days ago.

  15. After some more tests in the wip version, i can say that they are only reloading one weapon and ignoring all the rest. The only way to spawn with all weapons reloaded is to not change their weapons in the editor, just the uniform, vest and backpack. For example, if you pick a rifleman and only change the uniform, everything works fine. But if you change the weapon, the unit spawn empty and only reloads the primary one. I know my english is bad, but i'm trying to help XD

  16. Wondering if the ammo is being added before the weapon in da codez?

  17. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    It is not, Arma AI are just incapable of handling two things at once. I'll try adding back the config method of magazines and weapons and then run the code after that and see if it works alright, though I assume that'll lead to the same result.

  18. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    I've successfully exported a unit with two weapons (AR and Launcher), both fully loaded on spawn without animation.

    Will hopefully release a new build this weekend.
    On to the next one.

  19. @hugodm9 I'm getting the same problem as ToTo, using VSM uniforms. Another problem is some units are spawning with their weapons empty, most of the time they will reload on spawn. But for example, a missile specialist only reloads the launcher.

    Referencing my last post, I've changed the uniform code slightly so it might be worth trying again with my next build.

  20. @SpyderBlack723 Thank you! :) i will try, and if you need some help testing i can do it. I've got plenty of time this month! :)

  21. Sorry, didn't have time for a build, but did find a few more issues that I can square away soon hopefully.

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