AI not showing up on map

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 9 years ago

    @SavageCDN Please do post a screenshot. Are you saying that in editor preview when you start the mission all AI groups across the map spawn in and on dedicated server they do not? There must be something else at work here I have never seen this problem.
    edit: what is the spawn range setting in your Virtual AI module?

    Virtual AI :
    In Preview ( I'm in base - Sud Map ) :
    In Server :

  3. highhead

    23 Jun 2015 Administrator

    please follow our advice, and try vanilla factions opf_f, blu_f, ind_F!
    Whats the result with those

  4. Edited 9 years ago by Master-Antonio

    @highhead please follow our advice, and try vanilla factions opf_f, blu_f, ind_F!
    Whats the result with those

    Leight He said on Steam that with the latest update is 100% compatible with ALIVE and CBA Extended Eventhandlers.

    Maybe it is because my server is LINUX ?

  5. Here can be argue about 100% compatible.

  6. Linux server would only affect persistence (ie: War Room) - should have no bearing on units, spawning, etc.

  7. Try with vanilla factions please, to discart that. Im tired of read this post repeating the same, do it and after post the results.

  8. highhead

    24 Jun 2015 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by highhead

    thank you spark!

    Antonio, really we want to help you but please follow our simple advices to nail down the issue!
    You won't only be helping yourself with this but also others that may (in the future) encounter the same issue as you >>> Its not that, we all are not believing you but in the opposite want to be able to reproduce it in some way!


  9. Edited 9 years ago by Master-Antonio

    @highhead thank you spark!

    Antonio, really we want to help you but please follow our simple advices to nail down the issue!
    You won't only be helping yourself with this but also others that may (in the future) encounter the same issue as you >>> Its not that, we all are not believing you but in the opposite want to be able to reproduce it in some way!


    Give me name of class for 3 faction ....
    Civilian and 2 OpFor.
    We'll post the results as soon as you can.

  10. highhead

    24 Jun 2015 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by highhead

    INDEPENDENT: IND_F (ind_g_f doesnt have any groups afaik)

  11. highhead

    24 Jun 2015 Administrator

    btw. it looks like that profiles spawn. can you please make a screen with "activate profiles debug" on dedi

  12. @highhead btw. it looks like that profiles spawn. can you please make a screen with "activate profiles debug" on dedi

    Screen on DEDI with my faction or with Default Faction?

  13. highhead

    24 Jun 2015 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by highhead

    on dedi, what you did is "mark units" turn on "debug"... theres a handy function in admin actions "turn on profiles debug"..............
    this shows independnet profiles existing on map (yellow suqares)

  14. @highhead on dedi, what you did is "mark units" turn on "debug"... theres a handy function in admin actions "turn on profiles debug"..............
    this shows independnet profiles existing on map (yellow suqares)

    Profile Debug :

  15. highhead

    25 Jun 2015 Administrator

    I guess this means: solved!

  16. @highhead I guess this means: solved!

    Ok thanks to all.
    With this profile Debug what i see?

  17. You are looking at all groups - the ones that look 'faded' are virtual groups (not spawned) and the ones that are a darker colour are groups that have spawned. If you enable teleporting in Admin Actions and teleport around the map you will see the faded groups spawn in once you get close enough (I think you said your spawn range was 1500m?)

  18. Edited 9 years ago by Master-Antonio

    @SavageCDN You are looking at all groups - the ones that look 'faded' are virtual groups (not spawned) and the ones that are a darker colour are groups that have spawned. If you enable teleporting in Admin Actions and teleport around the map you will see the faded groups spawn in once you get close enough (I think you said your spawn range was 1500m?)

    Yes , btw , leight insists that Leight OpFor don't have problems, all work perfecly. Sincerely i don't know What should I do to solve the problem of Zeus.

  19. If those units are not showing up in Zeus there isn't much that can be done.. .at least not on our end.

  20. Edited 9 years ago by Master-Antonio

    @SavageCDN If those units are not showing up in Zeus there isn't much that can be done.. .at least not on our end.

  21. Deleted 9 years ago by Master-Antonio

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