Please post RPT, Antonio!
@SpyderBlack723 Yours
Wow impossible.
But have you created task in HQ? Clear Operations ext ext?
Do you see all with Zeus?
AI work Perfectly? ( There are Suiciders Bomber , IED only in Zone Occupied ) ?
@highhead Please post RPT, Antonio!
Thanks for support.
Wait 30-40 minutes.
I did not create a task in HQ but the AI and Zeus worked ok.
@SpyderBlack723 I did not create a task in HQ but the AI and Zeus worked ok.
Prove to play.
It seems that AI works but after disappear and is generated so strange ...
Many task like CLEAR ZONE is automatically completed because before spawn enemy and after all disappear ....
And much more.
? Clear Zone Task ?
Are referring to custom built in funtionality from another mission?
@highhead ? Clear Zone Task ?
Are referring to custom built in funtionality from another mission?
Are my tasks.
Read description on Steam WorkShop.
So this is RTP.
This RPT is filled with gazillions of errors, but not ALiVE related. Actually the only errors from ALiVE in there (at the bottom of the gazillion lines) only happen when you hit the abortbutton and end the mission (but I also can't replicate those).
I can furthermore see that civilians and enemies are created, there are the typical LOP rvmat errors for lop_faction_am and lop_faction_tak_civ in the logs.
I got NO clue whats up with your custom tasks, and why it seems to work for you with 0.9.8
Please try your setup with pure vanilla @CBA and @ALiVE to narrow it down some more, theres nothing I can help you with otherwise.
Thank you
@highhead This RPT is filled with gazillions of errors, but not ALiVE related. Actually the only errors from ALiVE in there (at the bottom of the gazillion lines) only happen when you hit the abortbutton and end the mission (but I also can't replicate those).
I can furthermore see that civilians and enemies are created, there are the typical LOP rvmat errors for lop_faction_am and lop_faction_tak_civ in the logs.
I got NO clue whats up with your custom tasks, and why it seems to work for you with 0.9.8
Please try your setup with pure vanilla @CBA and @ALiVE to narrow it down some more, theres nothing I can help you with otherwise.
Thank you
Here tell me that mission work perfectly ( SpyderBlack723 and Davidoss ) .
So why do i see only Vehicles with ZEUS?
In RTP i see this.
22:55:34 "CQB error: Group R Alpha 2-1:1 has no buildingpositions! Deleting..."
22:55:34 Error in expression <
{deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _grp;
deleteGroup _grp;
case "spawnGrou>
22:55:34 Error position: <deleteGroup _grp;
case "spawnGrou>
22:55:34 Error deletegroup: Tipo Oggetto, Gruppo atteso
because LOP doesnt support CBA Extended Eventhandlers properly...
thats what I posted above...
To fix most of this, you need to change faction names and place the CBA_auto_enableXEH.pbo (plus key) from your latest CBA\optional directory into the CBA\addons folder, cuz the LOP units dont fire XEH properly, thats probably also why ZEUS isnt working with them...
Im afraid this still wont show you the units in ZEUS but thats nothing what we can fix on our side.
@highhead because LOP doesnt support CBA Extended Eventhandlers properly...
thats what I posted above...To fix most of this, you need to change faction names and place the CBA_auto_enableXEH.pbo (plus key) from your latest CBA\optional directory into the CBA\addons folder, cuz the LOP units dont fire XEH properly, thats probably also why ZEUS isnt working with them...
Im afraid this still wont show you the units in ZEUS but thats nothing what we can fix on our side.
cba_enable_auto_xeh has already posted some time but still gives me this error.
With 0.9.8 all worked perfecly , also ZEUS.
Why with this 0.9.9 no?
I wish you tried my mission.
So you notice the problems that I say.
This is server : Port 2302
22:55:34 "CQB error: Group R Alpha 2-1:1 has no buildingpositions! Deleting..."
22:55:34 Error in expression <
{deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _grp;
deleteGroup _grp;
case "spawnGrou>
22:55:34 Error position: <deleteGroup _grp;
case "spawnGrou>
22:55:34 Error deletegroup: Tipo Oggetto, Gruppo atteso
22:55:34 File x\alive\addons\mil_cqb\fnc_CQB.sqf, line 1088
This happens once... and is expected if no suitable indoor buildingposition is found.
The group-deletion should fail correctly on an object though (please log a ticket on our tracker if it disturbs your eye). But please understand, that we can only chase down bugs in vanilla (CBA/ALiVE only) environments.
@highhead 22:55:34 "CQB error: Group R Alpha 2-1:1 has no buildingpositions! Deleting..."
22:55:34 Error in expression <
{deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _grp;
deleteGroup _grp;
};case "spawnGrou>
22:55:34 Error position: <deleteGroup _grp;
};case "spawnGrou>
22:55:34 Error deletegroup: Tipo Oggetto, Gruppo atteso
22:55:34 File x\alive\addons\mil_cqb\fnc_CQB.sqf, line 1088This happens once... and is expected if no suitable indoor buildingposition is found.
The group-deletion should fail correctly on an object though (please log a ticket on our tracker if it disturbs your eye). But please understand, that we can only chase down bugs in vanilla (CBA/ALiVE only) environments.
I noticed this .
AI Spawn but after dissapear why?
Especially when I move away from the area.
Before :
After :
This is the problem that broke all.
try another (vanilla) map and another (vanilla) faction at least....
im out for tonite its late...
and btw...
AI Spawn but after dissapear why?
Especially when I move away from the area.
thats what we do when virtualising AI (or simply caching them in CQB).....
You may also need to raise the number for your "Active Limiter" in the Virtual AI System module, that number controls how many maximum profiled groups can be spawned in at one time. This may also be the source of your AI disappearing.
As others have mentioned I would try removing the LOP units from your mission and testing with a vanilla faction - this is the source of a lot of your problems.
I noticed that in LOCAL , doing preview in Editor, ai Spawn in all maps and remain.
In Server no? Why?
Now i will post screen to make you understand.
Please do post a screenshot. Are you saying that in editor preview when you start the mission all AI groups across the map spawn in and on dedicated server they do not? There must be something else at work here I have never seen this problem.
edit: what is the spawn range setting in your Virtual AI module?