Hi, I've set up a mission with RHS (although behavior is the same in vanilla) where BLUFOR start on the central Altis airfield in invasion mode and OPFOR start on the East side in occupation mode. The problem is that BLUFOR do not seem to be in any real hurry to capture anything.
They push a bit at the beginning but only progress into the first couple of towns and then stop entirely. I've tried setting the CQB to dominant to spawn holding units in the occupied towns but the military and civilian placement spawned units still do not seem to push any further.
The AI commanders are synced to the opposite placement modules as well as their own and if I set persistent tasks on I will get them further out, but on their own the AI seem to be more interested in napping than anything else.
I'm wondering if this has something to do with the TAORs not moving, the BLUFOR one is still centered around the airfield and the OPFOR one still covers the whole east side and this isn't changed by the AI taking territory.
This leads to a stalemate where BLUFOR take a town or two and then settle in for a prolonged glaring match with OPFOR.
Does anybody have a solution to this? Or even the ability to shed some light on what's going on here?