How can I setup "safe zones" using Markers that the AI won't target or operate in? Im working on something like Epoch with the trader zones.
How can I setup "safe zones" using Markers that the AI won't target or operate in? Im working on something like Epoch with the trader zones.
You can create blacklist markers within your TAOR however that only prevents AI from spawning in that area - there is nothing really in ALiVE that will prevent them moving to the area after spawn (ie: they spot enemies and move to engage).
Will the scripts used in Epoch to make all weapons fired in the marker area useless work?It makes them not fire when in the area.
Do the AI still not cross the water to an island unless there are already AI there?
I don't see why those Epoch scripts would not work.. but you'll have to test it to be sure.
AI will only move to objectives if ordered by the AI Commander - so if the island is not an objective it will not send any groups there.