Insurgency: Recommend method of reinforcing/holding areas?

  1. 9 years ago

    Hi guys. So the commander tablet is still a little confusing to me. I exclusively play insurgency missions where I need to go around and talk to civilians to get Intel on enemy locations, etc. I have no problems getting CAS. It works perfectly (and transport too). If I come under heavy fire, I generally request the heli SAD to give me support so I can take over an occupied area. But getting actual troops to lend support, and/or requesting them to hold the area once it's clear is really sort of a mystery. What's the "correct way" to do this?

    What I generally do when I want troop support is click Logistics\convoy\squad\I click on the unit itself\and select the location I want them to come to on the map. The radio chatter tells me something is happening but no one ever arrives. Last night I did this and after 20 real life minutes, not only did nothing happen, but the tablet wouldn't let me try it again (I guess because support was already on the way?). I ultimately decided it must not be working and I aborted the mission. Do I have the general idea of how to occupy areas correctly?

    Anyway, what's the recommended method of:

    1. Getting physical troops to support me when I'm actively engaged.

    2. Requesting physical troops to be a permanent presence on an area I've already cleared.

  2. So just to translate what you are requesting I'll explain it from a actual military situation. Basically what you are wanting is what is called a QRF(Quick Reaction Force). These are units that are at combat ready to deploy at a moments notice. These units are generally highly mobile, but can vary depending on Operation and command.

    Now going back to Alive's logistics you have a bit diffren't behavior then what a QRF is. When requesting logistical troops as reinforcements, you are basically requesting command to assemble some troops to send over. It takes time(Sometimes a long time) and you might find yourself hanging around the area for awhile before anything pulls up. I haven't got to test some of the latest versions of Alive recently, but I believe the bigger amount of troops, the more time it takes to assemble them. The best bet you can do is debug your mission and keep track of a large cluster of profiles that spawn at your supply point. To assure that it isn't just you not waiting long enough vs the AI getting stuck some were.

    As for a solution, you probably best using custom scripting to create a radio command. When you trigger the radio, you can spawn a profiled group from a certain point to your location, or a composition of profiles. Unlike the logistics request, these units will spawn instantly and be on their way. I'm sure their is other parts to it such as getting them to search and destroy around the town. But I'm not a scripter and don't have my gaming rig done to figure it out yet.

  3. The fastest way to get reinforcements is to use the combat support option. First select heli insertion, Then groups, a squad, and select reinforce as delivery option. if the commander has enaugh recurces it it will arrive in 10 min. might be a good idea to have cas in the area, so the insertion chopper dont get shot down. Look at arjay's combat support tablet guide on alive's youtube channel to find out more

  4. Thanks guys. I've been getting in this habit of going on patrol, talking to civs, finding enemy locations and getting immediately overwhelmed. I play alone with AI and usually command a squad that consists of myself and 6 other AI's. At this point I'll call in CAS and set it to SAD but it really only minimally clears out the area.

    It's at this stage that I generally get lost. So I appreciate the replies. I'd imagine you all are right that I'm not waiting long enough. It's not because I'm not patient. It's usually because I die waiting for help. LOL! I've been playing ALiVE for several weeks every night now and I don't think I've ever successfully cleared a village. :)

    I guess 2 more questions:

    1. Would it be best to call in reinforcements to my location BEFORE I get into danger? If I'm not leading them are they programmed to follow me? If not, I take it I just click on the unit again in the tablet and change their location as I make my way forward?

    2. And let's say I successfully clear a village someday. How do I get my AI squads to "hold" an area? The same way I'd request them except clicking on "reinforce?"

  5. 2. And let's say I successfully clear a village someday. How do I get my AI squads to "hold" an area? The same way I'd request them except clicking on "reinforce?"

    Select "Garrison" instead

  6. That's exactly the kind of answer I was looking for. Thanks Spyder.

  7. Edited 9 years ago by silentghoust

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  That's exactly the kind of answer I was looking for. Thanks Spyder.

    Another option, if your struggling with large enemy numbers. Is to go up to platoon level via high command modules that come with Arma 3 by default. These modules allow you to command entire units, rather then just individual soldiers. It also allows you to assign them waypoints like Search and Destroy. Which will cause them to search the area on their own rather then you having to order them around.

    I actually had a lot of fun being part of a mechanized platoon. But you might find yourself sitting a little further from the battle and commanding rather then fighting.

  8. This option also exists for profiled groups via commander tablet >> operations

  9. @silentghoust Another option, if your struggling with large enemy numbers. Is to go up to platoon level via high command modules that come with Arma 3 by default. These modules allow you to command entire units, rather then just individual soldiers. It also allows you to assign them waypoints like Search and Destroy. Which will cause them to search the area on their own rather then you having to order them around.

    I actually had a lot of fun being part of a mechanized platoon. But you might find yourself sitting a little further from the battle and commanding rather then fighting.

    This sounds like a good idea! Thanks for sharing. Seeing as it's already included in ALiVE...which I had no clue about...

    Spyder, if you don't mind, could you elaborate a little on how to use this feature? Where's the platoon option and how do I use it?

    Man. I learn something new about ALiVE every day. :)

  10. You can enable it by placing down the C2ISTAR module in the mission (if it's not placed already).

    Once ingame, you must have the required item set by the C2ISTAR module. Once aquired, open the ALiVE menu (app key one), select Commander Actions, and then select Operations. From there, select a commander once the list loads. This will bring up a list of groups on the left. You can select one from the group or click the location of one on the map. Now you can manage the group, select Edit Group Waypoints to move the group.Click around to set waypoints and then confirm the waypoints.

    Note that if the server is under heavy load ot can sometimes take a short delay to load the lists. This is due to the client having to request data from the server.


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