How to load a saved mission? (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago

    Thank you, i'll check this.
    Before doing i did try again and Persistence is working a bit. Only the vehicles i moved around seems to stay, everything else does reset.

    I have linked (f5 in the old editor) the player data to the alive data, like it is said in the wiki. It this the good way?

  2. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Fuhajins Thank you, i'll check this.
    Before doing i did try again and Persistence is working a bit. Only the vehicles i moved around seems to stay, everything else does reset.

    I have linked (f5 in the old editor) the player data to the alive data, like it is said in the wiki. It this the good way?

    No. Do not link or sync them to anything. Gonna check the wiki now because I'm not sure where you got that.

    Go through all the modules and if it says persistence, turn it to yes. Read carefully because some of them to persist need to say no if I recall. I personally even turn on persistence for the Military Commander modules and CQB module too. If it persists, I have it on.

  3. Hand placed AI should save and load. I place my own all the time. I've never made my own tasks and I've never tested C21STAR tasking persistence, just an FYI.

  4. This is my player options:
    player options
    The ALIVE data:
    ALIVE data
    And my spawn:

    Vehicles persistence, time, ALIVE AI does work. But i always respawn into the spawn fully loaded. Maybe it is only me. I'll try with my friends next time when they can play.

  5. Yes the other stuff seems to be there, just the inventory and spawn location is reset. But well, ALIVE AI persistence seems to be there so i'am rather happy.

    But i guess i cannot use time condition triggers. So if i put some AI and tell them to patrol when the player is close.
    This will work? The AI wont respawn at mission restart after i killed them ?

    If i use a trigger to spawn the AI when the player come close then making him patrol, the AI will spawn at every mission start, right?

    Thank you for the help anyway.!