Last active 9 years ago
Hello Savage,
No, i did not yet set the HC clients in my mission.
Alright Spyder.
I can't get it to work. I still see again divers, snipers and helicopter pilots in my CQB buildings.
Is there something wrong with my code?
ALiVE_MIL_CQB_CUSTOM_UNITBLACKLIST = ["I_diver_F","I_diver_TL_F","I_diver_exp_F","I_crew_F","I_helipilot_F","I_helipilot_F","I_pilot_F","I_pilot_F","I_pilot_F","I_helicrew_F","I_soldier_UAV_F","I_support_Mort_F","I_support_GMG_F","I_support_AMG_F","I_support_AMort_F","I_ghillie_ard_F","I_ghillie_sard_F","I_ghillie_lsh_F","I_Sniper_F","I_Spotter_F"];
I did put into ALIVE required module init and thereafter the cqb module init.
Thank you for the answer SpyderBlack, i will take a look of this all.
Hello again,
I did read about setData and GetData on the wiki. So i did this piece of code thinking about storing and retrieving a value, 2.
_number = 2 ; ["Stored", _number] call ALiVE_fnc_setData; if ((["Stored"] call ALiVE_fnc_getData) == 2 ) then { ["Good.","hint",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; } else { ["Bad.","hint",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; };
For you experienced people. It is a good way to use these functions? Is this code any good?
For the first one i do not think so, you'll need to script this i guess.
I am not sure what you mean by control over its units but you can still add hand placed squad/units on the editor and synchronize them to the VIRTUAL AI SYSTEM. The commander who belong to your units faction will use them on the field.
No it is not, military placement is just to let ALIVE choose suitable military objectives for you and occupy/flag them as objectives only.
If its about casualties replacement and military logistics module, i do not know how to alter the rate beyond the module settings.
For the first post, you'll need A faction to have at least 5 squads/groups. The invasion commander will at least let one squad/group occupy and defend his initial ground (he will also generate small patrols) then he will pick 2 to 4 groups (one platoon) to move near and approach the B faction OBJ.
At this point, if he lacks troops he will call for more (?) and then launch the "final" assault. Usually i see the AI attacking with one Platoon (4 groups/squads). If B faction commander see it coming and have reserves, he will gather them to come and defend his objective. If not, he will at least defend it with on squad (the squad who initially occupied the objective).
If during the move to the B faction OBJ the attacking troops cross B factions squads, ALIVE will make them virtually "fight". Same story during the approach and the assault itself. Armoured and mechanized have the most value. Motorized is still superior to light infantry. But a weaker troop will always damage a stronger one even if it does loose (to simulate stuff like AT weaponry).
Virtual as real battle damage and casualties are stored and over time units will suffer from this.
Once A faction troops eliminate B faction troops, at least one squad will stay on the objective and will end up capturing/occupying it after some time.
Then of course the front lines will move, you do not really need any scripting to make some basics dynamic mission. It is somewhat the goal of ALIVE. So no worries !
Just remember the AI need 1 squad to defend, 4 to assault, 2 to 4 to approach/go near an objective.
So if you put several objectives on your map, make sure you have assigned enough troops to defend/occupy them all and attack the last of them.
Occupation will defend more, have more reserves but still attack objectives. He will gather troops to defend a menaced obj if possible (not sure how many, but i have seen 5 groups defending a single obj).
Invasion will attack all over the map as long as he have enough troops to do so.
sorry the garbage English ^_^
Wow. Thank you, this is very helpful !
In this code i see you use "vehicle" or "entity".
["EAST","vehicle"]] call ALIVE_fnc_getNearProfiles)) > 0);
I would like to know, beside "vehicle" and "entity", what else can i use?
Maybe the categories from the Arma 3 CFG (Men, MenRecon , Air...) ?
Oh alright. I though it would made you teleport to their location like in the example script. Thank yuo for the tip.
So i got to do some tests.
Synchronized Units wont respawn after death. The same with Statics (mortars, HMG...), hand placed Civilians and Vehicles. They can be virtualized but they loose their name, if you gave any one.
Mines, objects (ammoboxes) and empty autonomous can't seems to sync and do respawn. Unsynced units will respawn.
Ordering a synced but non virtualized infantryman to climb a non synced mortar gave weird results (mortar clipping into the ground). At the mission reload he finally disembarked. bad!
Syncing the player, myself, did not had any notable effect for now.
I just need to know if there is a way to make to prevent the commander to use a particular synced unit, make me join a group of AI without the teleport and i am good to go for my first mission making. :D