No Entry error message (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago

    No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ALiVE_require/Arguments/debug/Values/Yes.default'. I'm getting this message on start up at lobby screen not sure what to do or how to fix am vary new to this but this is the only message I get but mission plays and works great this is my first mission I have done any help would be greatly appr.......

  2. Which map are you using? Some 3rd-party maps cause this error due to how they are configged.

  3. Chernarus_Winter_A3_v1.11

  4. If in fact that is what it is i don't have a clue of how to configure it properly

  5. Transfer the mission over to a vanilla map and see if you get the same issue. If not, then it's due to the map. There is nothing you can do about it, up to the map author to handle it, but config issues can be hard to track down.

  6. Friznit

    21 Mar 2016 Administrator

    This happens when you have a badly configured mod or map in your mod pack anywhere. E.g. the error happens if you have Australia map loaded, even if you're not actually playing on it. Safe to ignore the error and continue.


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