Radio Chatter

  1. 10 years ago

    Is it possible to add a feature like radio chatter in all vehicles to bring the ALIVE feeling?

  2. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by hoax2

    You could setup a script for your mission like this one:

  3. Well I tried that and it didn't work for me.

  4. Init.sqf:
    execVM "radio.sqf";

    while {true} do
    (0 fadeMusic 0.2);
    sleep random 300;
    [["RadioAmbient2", "RadioAmbient3", "RadioAmbient4", "RadioAmbient5", "RadioAmbient6", "RadioAmbient7", "RadioAmbient8", "RadioAmbient9", "RadioAmbient10", "RadioAmbient11", "RadioAmbient12", "RadioAmbient13", "RadioAmbient14", "RadioAmbient15", "RadioAmbient16", "RadioAmbient17", "RadioAmbient18", "RadioAmbient19", "RadioAmbient20", "RadioAmbient21", "RadioAmbient22", "RadioAmbient23", "RadioAmbient24", "RadioAmbient25", "RadioAmbient26", "RadioAmbient27", "RadioAmbient28", "RadioAmbient29", "RadioAmbient30"], 300] spawn BIS_fnc_music;

  5. Thank you


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