Error in fnc_inArea.sqf

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Olonson

    Hey guys,

    started a fresh mission on PR Fata today.

    I only placed the 4 req. modules + AI Commander with a Civ and Mil Objective Modul covering basically the whole map.

    getting this error(s) on startup of each mission:

    cant really say what the consequences are, but i noticed on some startups that some objectives where given weird names like CIV_06660666

    let me know if you need the mission files or any more info.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Yes I have the same exact error on FATA and think it could possibly be why my units aren't spawning for 3CB in the correct numbers (gosh I hope so. Spent several hours on this yesterday). 60 units generally equals about 4. :( OPFOR working fine, oddly (60 equals 60), and I usually don't get any OPCOM errors with it. Usually.

    Olonson, are you seeing any side effects such as this? We talked about it on Steam a bit earlier so I think you know the problem I'm referring to. Could you do me a favor and see if a Company 100 or Force Pool 60 or whatever in the civ or mil obj module is correctly spawning the corresponding number of units on both sides? Just make sure not to filter the modules at all and make the TAOR very large.


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