1. 8 years ago

    That's weird I've got a mission I've been working on/testing over the last few days and I've had no problems getting caf_ag_me_t to spawn.

    As I suggested to Heroes, just make sure you don't have a space ahead of the class name, I've been caught out with that before.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Are you using the newest one or the older one? CAF updated a couple weeks back. I never ever had problems with the version before this current one. And even now the issue is so rare it doesn't bother me that much. It's just strange and mildly annoying more than anything.

  3. LOL! I'm sure it's just the faction being configured wrong. It's just weird no one else is seeing this but me but I also doubt lots of people find joy or reason to teleport around their missions for hours and hours either. I'll just redownload the mod and see and just switch over to CUP once they finish their Takistani civs if all else fails.

  4. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    No kidding. LOL! Yep tried both with and without. I'll post my most simplest mission file later. This particular mission has no BLUFOR OPCOM so should be the easiest to spot an issue with. There's only a handful of total modules and I'm sure it's something stupid and simple.

    I'd say I've put a solid 10 hours now troubleshooting this and really would appreciate a second set of eyes. I'm stumped.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Sheeps I originally noticed this problem while playing on my server and have been troubleshooting the cause ever since. I think the reason I didn't catch the problem earlier is because I'm estimating this to happen at about a 5% failure rate. If 60 units comprised of 4-10 OPFOR spawn, 1-2 groups may consist of vanilla fighters. You could technicaly play for hours and not notice the problem. Sometimes it's only a handful of soldiers on a map with well over a hundred or hundreds.

    The easiest way I find to actually test this is to start the mission in the SP editor and then type player allowDamage false; into the debug console and then click local exec. Then, through the commander tablet I enable teleporting and turn the debug on for the Virtual AI module. The map will then be filled with red enemy unit markers. When you teleport to these red markers and ALiVE virtualizes the soldiers, on the in-game map I hover my mouse over the soldiers and simply read what it says. This is much faster than physically trying to identifying them. If it says any word that begins with "Fighter" (example, Fighter AK47 or Fighter SVD), this is CAF Taliban. If the name says "Recon" or "Medic" or anything else, I know then it's a vanilla enemy.

    Here's two missions. One is a super simple setup on Isola Di Capraia and the other, for anyone not inclined to download a map pack just to help me, is a slightly more complex mission on Takistan. The mod requirements are the same aside from the former needing the Isola Di Capraia map (I use AiA on that one and CUP on Takistan but CUP should work for both). The mods:

    Spyder Addons
    3CB Weapons
    3CB Equipment
    3CB Vehicles
    3CB Units
    CAF Aggressors
    CAF Audio Patch
    Burnes Foxhound (download link if needed: )
    CUP Terrains
    Isola Di Capraia (for one of the missions)