Display Map Intel: Working on dedicated servers?

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I like to set it up so I have map Intel displayed in the C2ISTAR module (on low), sort of as a way for me to have some kind of tasking or direction without using C2ISTAR auto-tasking to simulate my friendly troops having reported in. In the SP editor, I get the Intel such as installations and whatnot to show up within minutes consistently, but on my server I can play for hours and nothing appears.

    Is it working for any of you?

  2. Well even on low the map will generally have an installation marked within minutes automatically from the SP editor. With this feature you don't even need to open the tablet. The map displays the Intel automatically (it will fade out eventually).

    But on a server I can play for hours (2 hours last night and around 2 hours the night before) and nothing.

  3. Some things are more important than beautiful spring days going to cool places with the people you love the most, Ski. :)

    Damn. I kinda want kids now after reading your post. That's cold man.