Recommendations for rented server host

  1. 8 years ago


    Can anyone recommend a rented server host that supports Alive and persistence?

    I contacted but, although they allow mods, they couldn't guarantee support for any specific mod.

    Obviously I can sign up for a month and test it but after a couple of companies this is going to get tedious!

    Any recommendations would be appreciated.


  2. I use Host Havoc, and have since December. ALiVE functions well on their servers, and I have even had them add custom DLL's and EXE's when I was using the A3 Performance Binaries.

    Persistence works fine when there are no issues from Alive itself.

    I'd recommend them to at least try out as they are great for the price.

  3. Great - thanks! I'll get signed up.

  4. Hi ski2060,

    Can I pick your brain on the set up?

    I have a persistent server up and running and it works great.

    The only issue is that when a client goes to join, it shows the mods as unrecognised (not green). You can still hit join and it will work but in order to et this far I had to copy the mod keys into the keys folder on the server.

    Any idea how to get it see the mods correctly?


  5. Unfortunately, Nope :( I am a novice at server admin myself.
    If it's working for you, then it shouldn't be a problem. I have copied server keys, bisign etc into appropriate places and I still get issues like that.
    I can copy over the exact folder contents from my machine to the server via FTP, and place all the keys where they should, and I can still have it show red.

    My CBA and ACE show red for me, while they show as green for everyone else. I have no clue why.
    Everything works fine though.

  6. In your server.cfg check that you have:

    verifySignatures = 2;

  7. I recommend if you can afford them. I was able to setup ALiVE through them in under an hour. If you need help with it you can always message me or add me on Steam.


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