EPE manager release (0|41|0) No owner....anyone know what this means

  1. 8 years ago

    I'm getting this error in my logs on a mission. First time seeing it before.

    EPE manager release (0|41|0)
    No owner

  2. Doing a bit of googling it would seem this is related to your mpmissions folder. I've seen this talked about on Exile forums and BIS forums too: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/180493-crash-when-joining-multiplayer/

    However, deleting the contents of the folder doesn't seem to necessarily fix the problem. Though definitely worth a try.

    Another thread mentioned a specific helicopter in a mission needed to be removed for the error to go away (they discussed Hellcat and Huron) but there doesn't appear to be a common denominator here other than people suggesting the basics (verifying game cache, etc).

  3. Did a google search:

    Error (RPT) - EPE manager release (0|0|0)
    03-25-2015, 05:07 PM
    This error pertains to the MpMissions folder. It's basically saying one of two things:

    1. Your file is corrupt and you need to download a fresh one from the official website and upload it to your MPMissions folder.
    2. Your missions folder does not contain the map you have selected in your config.cfg, you also need to upload it to MPMissions folder."


    Ok, what you can try is to delete the mission for that server found in the "MPmissionCache" temp folder found here:

    %APPDATA%\..\local\arma 3\

    Deleting the mission will force the server to re-upload the mission.

    Let us know if it works, gl.

    This is the quote but the user said it didn't work.

    This thread was linked but the solution isn't obvious to me: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?190197-Multiplayer-Lobby-Crash-to-desktop


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