how determine if an objective is seized by someone ?

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi all !

    i know it should be a simple thing, but i'm not sure of how it works for alivemod.
    i wish to understand how set up some kind of trigger with a win condition like : "if BLU hold this area for 5 minutes, BLUE faction gets bonus."
    i can do it with default triggers, but i wish to know how link it to alivemod, so for example who holds the area receive some bonus like military logistic (example: aircrafts, or more reinforcements for the alive logistic pool).
    dynamic reinforcements is not very clear, i dont know how set the details on it (for example how many units and of what type reinforce or add every minute)

    really thanks for your help guys !

  2. Edited 7 years ago by DaVidoSS

    You need any function which will be returning dominant faction.
    In alive there are such function already :

    Returns the dominant faction within given radius, Takes into account profiles
    Array - Position measuring from
    Number - Distance being measured (optional)
    Number - Faction ConfigName ("BLU_F","OPF_F",etc.)
    (begin example)
    [trigger1, 500] call ALiVE_fnc_getDominantFaction

    But you can script in any kind of code to your mission

  3. Thanks man ! Im not very expert...i wished to keep it as simple as possible...if i use a trigger with "seized by " in conditions can i link it somehow to stop logistic of a commander or increase logistic of another commander ? Thx !


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