Calling in reinforcements with no OPCOM objectives

  1. 7 years ago

    Basically I don't want my side actively participating in the battle aside from the players, but I'd like to be able to call in a limited amount of AI units and some supplies at my discretion.

    What I've done currently is place an OPCOM module, and synced it to a Military Logistics module, and also laid down a Combat Logistics module too. But I haven't and don't want to place any objective modules. Obviously this gives me an error (or suggestion, perhaps?) at mission start saying I need to lay down some objectives.

    Is what I'm doing the correct way of having reinforcements without having them actively participate in the battle unless I say so?

    Also, I see in the reinforcements section for logistics I can call in vanilla civilians (what?) and vanilla BLUFOR. Is there anyway to limit me to only being able to recruit my modded faction?

  2. Friznit

    19 May 2016 Administrator

    You need at least one objective. The Logistics Commander has to have somewhere to bring in supplies from "out of theatre" before moving them forward to you. Create a single objective, preferably an HQ one, ensure it is secured by BLUFOR (a single group should do) and it'll work. With only one or two groups they won't go anywhere and interfere with the players.

    You can set logistics to faction only. That should remove the other stuff defined for your side.

  3. Thanks Friznit.


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