So in the event I choose to delete and replace all of my modules after an ALiVE update, is there a recommended way to do this? I guess I don't know how mission.sqm's write themselves and whether or not certain modules should be placed first/second/third/etc.
The easiest way, obviously, would be for me to work backwards and start with the obj modules because I can see the placement and syncing, and then do OPCOM, then move on to the side (unsynced) and required stuff, etc.
The hard way would be having to delete all of the modules first, and then lay down Required/Data/Virtual AI, then the side stuff, then the OPCOM and obj's because that's essentially building a mission all over again.
How would you guys recommend going about this when you feel like it's time to clean house? Or rather, if you ever had an issue that was FIXED by replacing all of your modules, how did you go about it?