How can I confirm my ALiVE game is using headless client?

  1. 7 years ago

    ok I have followed instructions on some posts of the forum and I tested out my ALiVE mission file on dedicated server. But I couldn't be sure about AI distribution was handled by headless client.... so I ask here to ask how can i confirm that headless client is working.

    by the way I found these on server logs..

    ALiVE [m_24|41] Module ALiVE_sys_newsfeed INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.000991821
    ALIVE AI Distributor exiting, no headless clients [] or not server false

  2. I too would like to know. Adding some type of HC debug would be useful.

  3. ALIVE AI Distributor exiting, no headless clients [] or not server false

    That is the debug. If you're having issues with the tutorial you've followed, I would seek out and try another until that message doesn't appear.

  4. Edited 7 years ago by Rookie

    I have followed these steps on tutorial.

    1. Open editor, Place headless client. Set it playable and give it variable name.

    2. Set ALiVE(required) module's "ai distribution" as "headless client"

    3. Save the mission and open server with headless client turned on (I used TASDT for this with local client IP adress).

    Is there anything wrong with these steps?

  5. I cannot answer that as I have never messed with setting up a headless client.


    also if headless is working as mentioned above the rpt should show something like this:

    ALIVE AI Distributor switching group C Bravo 1-2 to HC HC
    ALIVE AI Distributor switching group C Bravo 1-3 to HC HC
    ALIVE AI Distributor switching group C Bravo 2-1 to HC HC
    ALIVE AI Distributor switching group C Bravo 2-2 to HC HC
    ALIVE AI Distributor switching group C Bravo 2-3 to HC HC

  7. Ok I will try that one as soon as possible.


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