groups spawn and targets

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Hey sorry I didn't have a chance to test this yesterday. I had ample time too. So get this, I'm working on one of my missions and then BAM the power goes out. It was out for awhile.

    So my power turns back on a couple hours later and everything seems ok on my PC. I load Arma back up and all of my custom keybinds, graphics settings and profile settings were back to default.

    So I load up the mission I was working on and I was like cool, well at least that works. I open it up and run the profile counter and OPFOR has like 6 groups. LOL! WTF? They're supposed to have 50! Civilians were spawning in my base and the call to prayer was playing in this horrible sounding delay. :(

    I ended up fixing it by opening and closing all the modules and deleting and replacing a few but that was so damn strange. Hopefully tonight I'll have time to take a peek.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Thanks Spyder. Yeah it would make sense the systems would be better with "fuzzy" troop numbers. That does seem more realistic. I guess for whatever reason I had assumed you could control it more with overrides and custom objectives but that doesn't seem to be the case.

    Regardless, I prefer it fuzzy. That makes sense. But here's something I'm seeing maybe you could clarify? I think it directly related to this thread in a way.

    I have done my best to make a BLU_F vs. OPF_F battle on Altis getting as close to 100 Profiles on each side as possible on mission start. I have the profile speed at 75% (50% seems broken right now. It automatically changes to 25% after you close the module). Anyway, the troops start at around 107 vs 96 or whatnot. Within 60-90 seconds, these numbers plummet. To like 80 vs. 55. Why? What could possibly cause so many profiles to get eliminated so quickly?

    This is a Occupation vs. Invasion mission. Other than that and the 8-man player group, OPF_ F and BLU_F are mirror images. Should I set them both to invasion or both to occupation to at least keep the battlefield populated long enough so I can make it to an objective? LOL! I'm not even done in the Arsenal before 1/3 of the battlefield is dead.

    What's weird is: I usually make Assymetric vs. Invasion and the profile numbers stay very even on both sides for hours as the Insurgency grows. But those missions don't tend to have tanks and shit like this conventional one does either. :)

    Is that normal for Conventional vs. Invasion? For profiles to get wiped away so fast after the mission begins?

  3. New tests !! Today i deleted custom objectives and at theyr place put military objective with a generic 100 units spawn. Unbelivable ...but seems to work !!! More test in next days,...for now i really thank you guys, for your help and patience ! Thanks !!!