Low FPS while moving

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi! I have this issue, I think it has to do with the ALiVE mod. I am trying to run A3M PMC game on a dedicated server, but when I am joining with my client on another computer, my FPS i just fine while standing still, but at once I start to move, I drop to something like 8 FPS. Does anyone have an idea what may have caused this?

    Playing SP w/o mods does not render any problems.
    Please help!

  2. Can you please try a mission that comes with ALIVE to see of your problems persist. The mission you mentioned is a very script heavy mission.

  3. Hi! Sorry for the late answer.
    The problem persists when testing out Operation Landlord aswell as Air Assault.

    I have around 60-80 FPS while standing still, but drops to 6-8 while moving. Riding a moving vehicle doesn't make the framerate drop. It's all very strange. Any ideas?

  4. Another wicked thing is that I can pilot a chopper, no problem. I can fly around normally, shoot, turn - smooth sailing, but when I increase throttle, then the framerate drops.

  5. Is this solved?

    Are you the same person that asked this over on BIS forums and solved the problem by creating a new game profile?

  6. Nope, not the same one. Byt I'll Gry that for sure! How do I do that; just delete the old one? I'm currently doping a clean install with all saves, profiles, mods etc ereased. I hope it will fix it.

  7. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    In the profile settings in the main menu you should have an option to create a new profile, though be warned it will reset all of your preferred settings, including keybinds.

    Two people reporting this issue, eh? Please let us know how this goes for you. I've never heard anyone report such a thing so two on the same day is...odd.

  8. Are you running only CBA and ALiVE or are using other mods as well?

  9. It worked! A new profile was all I needed. Crazy. I think I tried everything else before including overclocking. Thank you!

  10. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    What the hell?

    I'm happy you solved it but could you go into more detail please about the issue? What mods were you using? Just CBA and ALiVE?

    And even with the template missions this was happening with just the required mods?

    How strange. I'm happy you fixed it but two people needing to do this weird workaround to fix something ALiVE related is strange!

  11. Yeah; I tested it out with just CBA and ALiVE on air assault. Sure enough, laggy as hell but only when moving. I could fly the helicopter just fine, but when hitting shift (for acceleration, or altitude gain or whatnot) it started to lag.

    I isolated it down to CBA and/or ALiVE by testing to play with only them activated on air assault. Laggy as hell.
    I used other mods when I tried to run A3M PMC Simulator, but as said, I tested with only CBA and ALiVE.
    When I ran a game without mods, no problems.

    I don't know what more specifics I could help you guys out with... There is probably not anything with my hardware, but I don't really know.
    My system specifics are;
    i5-2500K running at 3.7GHz
    8gb RAM
    GTX 770

  12. Mods/Missions/Scripts can save information to your profile. It's likely you've played some mission or mod that abused the ability to use that method of saving and it ended up bloating your profile in some way.

  13. Interesting!

    Is there any way to see this stuff or is it sort of hidden? I'm due for a Spring cleaning.

  14. Intelligently removing it would require a script + dialog that is solely for that purpose unfortunately. BIS stores a lot of stuff in there as well so it's no small collection.


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