Allow BLUFOR Combat Support for Civilian Helicopter

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi again! Putting the final pieces together for a undercover scenario and wondering if there is a way to allow BLUFOR to use a civilian transport helo. At the moment, it seems CS is defined by the side of the object, is there a variable I could set to manually change that?

  2. I have used civilian trucks for the transport combat support in the past without any issues, if you just paste in the name of the civilian helicopter in the module it should work, atleast in my experience.

  3. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'm fairly certain you can use any vehicle classname you want. Or just manually place the chopper, sync it to the combat support module and add

    this setvariable ["CS_TYPE","TRANSPORT"];

    To the init line of the chopper.

    Pretty sure you'll then want to manually put your pilots in the chopper and it should work.

  4. Tried that and it doesn't show up on the commander tablet or give me the "Talk to Pilot" option. Thanks for the answers though! It seems that now ALiVE gets the vehicle side and then uses that to determine the CS availability, presumably so you can't use CS assets of the wrong side.

  5. Hmmm.

    What about the Little Bird then? I mean it's probably not ideal but it looks civ-y enough.

    I may have the name wrong though. It's the cute little egg looking one. :)

  6. Oh, also, I've had some problems syncing in 3D. Make sure it's actually synced. I'm switching over to map view now when I need to do it. Probably a new editor bug.

  7. After trying with my previous civilian truck setup, I can confirm that this is no longer working.

  8. Thanks for testing. I think it was a feature that was introduced not so long ago so different players on different factions wouldn't end up with the same combat support. Great feature but has caused a cheeky issue on my end!

  9. Any word from the devs on this? Is there a way to override it? Cheers!


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