Is this a bad error?

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    This is happening anytime Project OPFOR's ISIS units (LOP_ISTS) spawn and I've never seen this before. Everything seems to be functioning fine in SP though, even with the error, but I'm not sure how much of a problem this might be and if it's worth reporting to either you guys or Keeway.

  2. Unless you can reproduce this 100% of the time and only with the mentioned mod, it's no big deal.

  3. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Cool. Glad it's not serious. Do you know offhand what it means?

    To clarify, since you mentioned the severity being related to how frequently it happens, It occurs 100% of the time with the mod. So I'm not sure if that's bad or not. I don't mean to say I'm spammed with it every time a unit spawns (I'm not) but it's guarenteed to happen any time the faction is used at least one time per session but disappears after about 20 seconds or so.

  4. So, if you run the mission with that mod it occurs. If you replace that mod's units with NATO / CSAT it doesn't occur?

    Based on the error it's hard to determine what exactly causes it, but that does point to an underlying issue.

  5. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    So far from what I've seen, yes. It's directly tied to this faction. But my testing has been brief. I'm just doing quick play from the editor testing a mission I'm working on.

    If I was able to duplicate it in a vanilla environment like Stratis, with just this faction and dependencies and nothing else, would it warrant a look?


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