I need help seriously, please test my mission or check in editor if all is configured right.
I was 10 hours with this today, not work with vanilla units, I deleted all ace3 modules, 3th opfor faction, only ind_F and blu_F.
If I write a bad ip address in aliveroom work, but if I write the right data, ip etc not work "ALiVE OPCOM Waiting for Virtual AI System..." I can hear my and alive spawning units.
2016/10/20, 23:59:05 ALiVE [m_29|200] Module ALiVE_SYS_playeroptions INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.0440063 2016/10/20, 23:59:05 ALiVE [m_30|202] Module ALiVE_sys_player INIT 2016/10/20, 23:59:05 Error in expression <ect 0; _result = false; if ((typeName _value) == "ARRAY" && {(count _value) ==> 2016/10/20, 23:59:05 Error position: <_value) == "ARRAY" && {(count _value) ==> 2016/10/20, 23:59:05 Error Undefined variable in expression: _value 2016/10/20, 23:59:05 File x\alive\addons\x_lib\functions\data\fnc_isHash.sqf, line 40 2016/10/20, 23:59:05 Error in expression <_missionName]; private ["_res"]; if (ALIVE_sys_data_dictionaryLoaded) then { > 2016/10/20, 23:59:05 Error position: <ALIVE_sys_data_dictionaryLoaded) then { > 2016/10/20, 23:59:05 Error Undefined variable in expression: alive_sys_data_dictionaryloaded 2016/10/20, 23:59:05 File x\alive\addons\sys_player\fnc_player.sqf, line 134
-rpt with wrong ip in warroom, mission is working:
When I close server console with right ip in warroom (mission not work, all normal in console log, game started, etc):
Lost connection:
Other recurent error playing a edited spyderblack kunduz insurgency template:
2016/10/21, 18:26:16 ------------------ Inspecting Hash -------------------- 2016/10/21, 18:26:16 Error in expression <l ALIVE_fnc_dump; }; } forEach (_target select 1); _level = _level - 1; }; [_t> 2016/10/21, 18:26:16 Error position: <select 1); _level = _level - 1; }; [_t> 2016/10/21, 18:26:16 Error Generic error in expression 2016/10/21, 18:26:16 File x\alive\addons\x_lib\functions\diagnostics\fnc_inspectHash.sqf, line 60