Good to hear it's hopefully going to be useful! Just keep in mind this is my first foray into scripting so things may change a bit as I learn more.. on the other hand, I put a lot of effort into optimising the detection scripts and think I've found a pretty speedy solution for that, which is the core of it.
Intel will probably be in the next update too. Just have to get some final tests done.
@SpyderBlack723, I had a look at the inArea command and can't see anything about checking an array of markers, is it able to do that? As in:
_unit inArea ["marker1","marker2","marker3"]
Away from my PC for a couple of days but will check it out in a bit more detail when I'm back.
Edit: Or something like this:
[_unit,_trespassMarkers] spawn { params [["_unit",objNull],["_trespassMarkers",[]]]; sleep 2; private _activeMarker = []; for "_i" from 0 to (count (_trespassMarkers - 1)) do { _entry = _trespassMarkers select _i; if (_unit inArea _entry) then { _activeMarker pushBack _entry; }; }; if (_activeMarker != []) then { _unit setVariable ["trespassingType2",true,true]; } else { _unit setVariable ["trespassingType2",false,true]; }; !(_unit getVariable ["isUndercover",false]) };