Adding a unit to logistics

  1. 7 years ago

    I was just wondering if it's possible to add a single unit to the logistics forcepool so I can call them in to be helidropped/inserted. The faction I'm using doesn't have a medic (oddly) so I'd like to add in an RHS Corpsman (who is a medic) to the logistics pool. Would this be possible with a StaticData file and if so, would someone mind writing the functioning code for me?

    If not, does anyone have any ideas for an object I can call in to fully heal me? Would a slingloaded medical tent or medical truck do this? I know they carry FAK's but I'd need something to heal me 100%.

  2. Bump. Is it possible to add a single unit to the logistics forcepool? It sucks not being able to call in a medic but I guess I could live with it worst case scenario. I have some set to recruit back at base but it's lonely when I'm dying out in the field.

    And as I asked above, and I know it's a bit OT, but I'm still not entirely sure what other ways I could use to fully heal myself aside from a medic. I know there are medical vehicles and medevac choppers and field hospitals and whatnot, I'm just not sure how those are designed to work in the base game aside from taking FAK's out of their inventory. I was under the impression all of the above should fully heal me either automatically or through menu actions but I can't seem to figure it out.

  3. Edited 7 years ago by marceldev89

    Don't think you can add units to the logistics list and to get fully healed you need a medic.

    Couple of options:

    • Spawn medic with Zeus
    • Cheat
    • Create a copy of the faction and add a medic with the ORBAT tool thing(?)
  4. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Good idea with Zeus. That's probably the easiest option. It didn't even occur to me TBH. Thanks.


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