create HQ area

  1. 10 years ago

    Is it possible to artificially create a placement for an HQ on the map instead of allowing it to randomly pick a location?

  2. Use MCC 3D editor to create a base. That's what I do and what my group does. We don't have ALiVE create a base for us. We just create one using the MCC 3D editor and then using the save/load feature we are able to save our base into an SQM format.

  3. Friznit

    22 Dec 2014 Administrator

    Or place a Custom Objective with a pre-made HQ of your choice and set the prio to very high (e.g. 9999).

  4. Hi friznit.

    drawing we are talking about HQ. What happen if destroy HQ building? Virtual commander lost reinforments or...???


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