Blackfish From Logistics Just Crash and Burn

  1. 7 years ago

    Whenever I call for something to be inserted via chopper, and it decides to use a Blackfish, the damn thing just falls like a stone to the ground as soon as it is spawned. None of the other choppers have this problem and work just fine. I don't know if this is an issue with Alive spawning them too low (they spawn pretty damn low; only about 100-200m off the ground or so) or if the AI just can't fly these things.

  2. Could be related to your theory the AI can't fly the VTOL's. I haven't tested this but have heard this before.

  3. Edited 7 years ago by PillowTalk

    Is there possibly a way to blacklist that vehicle from being used? There's a blacklist line in the support module, but I am not sure if that is to blacklist the module from using what I put in there, or to blacklist what the player can ask it to give.

    I'm almost certain now that it's because the VTOL defaults to plane mode and they're trying to fly it like a chopper.

  4. I've never messed around with it but I think the blacklist/whitelist line in the Player Combat Logistics module is just for item classname types. So if you didn't want a specific ammo box or something you could blacklist it.

    Sure, you could probably just put the "Allow Helicopter/VTOL Resupply" to No and not have to worry about the VTOL's at all, but you would lose that method of resupply entirely. Not ideal, for sure.

    I do wonder if the issue can be duplicated with the VTOL's and AI without ALiVE. Hmmm. Can't say I've even used them much for regular old transport or whatnot. I'm in a mission now that has one, let me take a peak.

  5. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Oh dear god make it stop!!! I will not be using the VTOL for Transport. Lol. The thing takes off like a bullet, with no regard for anything in its path. It's like a plane had a devil spawn baby after taking advantage of a helicopter one night at a party.

    Two attempts and both times it crashed and burned into the Tanoa forests.

    Haven't had a chance to look at resupply yet but I'm not feeling too good about the prospects of it.

  6. After playing with it more, it seems to work so long as it creates a virtual unit pretty far out and it's not spawning within your view. They will circle for a while before deciding to land/enter hover mode though.

    I... I don't know how to grab my stuff from them though. D:

    Getting men is fine; they exit on their own. What do I do to retrieve supplies? Isn't it supposed to be a logistics thing on the action menu?

  7. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    You need to enable logistics in the commander tablet under player options.

  8. Friznit

    8 Apr 2017 Administrator

    I somehow feel that BIS never tested these things with the AI.

    You can blacklist logistics vehicles in the static data.


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