Persistence Unable to Open Config File

  1. 7 years ago

    I"m not 100% sure this is the same issue, if not moderator can let me know I'll gladly create a new thread if need be. Sorry in the delayed reply, been pulling the mission apart piece by piece trying to see if I can find that one thing that once its gone everything works. I wanted to find the solution on my own to avoid wasting other peoples time but I've got to admit defeat at this point. The reports can be found in my dropbox here I got it to save in one of my test environments but can't get it to save in the mission. I've removed all mods except for Alive. and still no avail. In case it helps mission that won't save. I can also get a copy of the one that will save but it would take some time to un-mod it, but if that's what it takes just let me know.

    I don't know if this is helpful but a couple of things that have come to my attention during this, when i login it is stating I'm without Identity. Also I've noticed that my server keeps saying it has the wrong APPID, but it doesn't not sure why, but i don't think those should contribute cause I had the same problem with the test environment but that will load and on that mission I had all my mods active so don't think its a mod issue either. Although in the test environment its in VR and it gives me an error saying it can't find an alive script it works anyways. The other thing which I think may be an actual contributing factor is every time I log in it tells me it cannot load my War Room profile, despite that it downloads my information from the War Room cause my email and icon show up on my player information on the map, and all of my information seems to get sent to the war room, as it shows in the battle-feed and operations and such. and I can re-watch the match in the live-feed and it has all of that information, but when shut down and come back in, it starts from scratch again.

    On a side note, if anyone that can help with that also happens to know if there is a way to reset my stats cause I've now joined like 30 operations testing this one script which has completely thrown all my stats off.

  2. 6 years ago

    The Virtual AI system was still placed, but I agree, it will be much easier to trouble shoot bringing in one module at a time from scratch then it is trying to remove a module or two to find the problem as is. I'll let you guys know if I sort it out, it will probably take a few days to starting over.

    Since it did save the mission provided by HeroesandvillainsOS I know that it can work, I just need to find the source of my current problems. Though I still keep getting the error about connecting to the War Room even when it did save that other mission, As far as I can tell it seems that everything functions, as far as the AAR and Battlefeed but getting it in that mission and the ALiVE example missions makes me think that there is an issue somewhere in my profile as well, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I can start a thread dedicated to that if it doesn't resolve itself at some point during my rework, it will be easier to troubleshoot without all these other symptoms clouding the field.