Using Couch DB. Is loading automatic?

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    You may either want to post the mission here, or post your server rpt from the session you saved and the session you loaded. Database persistence is pretty reliable these days so I'm going to guess the solution here is simple (i.e. Mod conflict, or module not set properly or server info not setup correctly on the site, etc).

    It's possible you're thinking your mission is saving because your profile is updating on War Room. These are not the same thing (though I can see how someone would assume one connecting would mean the other was working, etc).

  2. The problem was that even with CouchDB you have to have the dedicated server properly setup within War Room. I had some old values from an old server that was using War Room persistence. I just double checked and removed any info that remained from the old serer that was originally registered to the War Room. Once the new server was properly setup in War Room, the Couch worked.

    I cannot seem to find the SPOTREP PATROL REP persistence setting. I searched for about 2 hours last night to no avail.