Hi there! Thanks for your service!
For something small scale like this, to populate the enemy AO, place a marker over the village and name it. Let's say it's called AO.
Place ALiVE Required and Virtual AI modules down. Don't sync them to anything.
Then place the Military AI Commander module. Write your faction in the force faction line (if you're not sure what the faction name is, right click on any unit from that faction and go to the config viewer and scroll down to "faction.").
Place a Military AI Commander Civilian Objective and Military AI Commander Military Objective module. In both, write your faction in the force faction line. In the TAOR section, write your marker name (AO). This will make sure groups only spawn within the marker area.
Sync both of these objective modules to the Commander module.
To spice things up, place a CQB module not synced to anything. Define the faction and the TAOR like you did above. This will populate units inside buildings.
For civs, place down a Civilian Placement and Civilian Population module unsynced. Define the civilian faction and the TAOR.
For specific tasks, you could use the tasking in the C2ISTAR module but for something very specific in a specific area, you're probably better off hand crafting it yourself.
One thing to keep in mind, is ALiVE doesn't populate small areas to the gills. You may need to manually add some groups in the area to taste (if you want the AI Commander to control them, sync the group leader to the Virtual AI module).
Also note, for small TAOR's, it's very possible it might not contain civilian or especially military objects. Before using either of these objective modules I mentioned above, place then and turn on debug in the module and make sure in game you see debug markers for each within the AO. If not, lower the filtering settings in each module. If still nothing shows up in debug, make the AO larger, or change the AO, or get rid of the module that doesn't have any objectives (which will probably be the Military objective one, but you'll have to see and play around with it a bit).