Hi Friznit,
Thanks for your reply, so what i have done since the OP is used Spyders script and placed this in my mission INIT:
waitUntil {!isNil "ALIVE_profileSystemInit"};
Spyder_fnc_disableOpcomByFaction = {
if (!isServer) exitWith {_this remoteExecCall ["Spyder_fnc_disableOpcomByFaction",2]};
private _faction = _this;
_opcom = _x;
private _opcomFactions = [_opcom,"factions"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet;
if (_faction in _opcomFactions) then {
[_opcom,"pause",true] call ALiVE_fnc_opcom;
waitUntil {sleep 10;!isNil "ALIVE_profileSystemInit"};
"BLU_F" call Spyder_fnc_disableOpcomByFaction;
I have also tried to use:
neither seem to have any effect, the OPCOM still spawns and attacks the objectives. Also if i use the "ALiVE_fnc_pauseModule" command above i get an error that _mainclass is undefined.
I'm not sure where i'm going wrong, i'm sure that pausing the modules at the beginning of the mission must be possible.
one final question: when the OPCOM is paused does it stop activity instantly or continue to process commands and spawns for a time? i think part of my issue may be that i call the functions immediately after Alive initialises.