IFA units and maps do work (the 4 original IF ones - Baranow, Stasnow.. 2 more I can't recall. The I44 converted maps do not yet work with ALiVE) although the maps may need to be re-indexed.

Make sure you test with LIB_RKKA and LIB_WEHRMACHT for the placement modules as they are the most 'complete' factions and include Infantry, Motorized, etc.

If OPCOM is not issuing any orders to spawned groups make sure you have that OPCOM module synced to enemy placement modules.

If you still can't get IF to work properly post your RPT file (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Crash_Files ) to pastebin.com and link back here. I'm out of town for a week starting today so I might not be able to get back to you quickly. There should be an IF demo mission somewhere around here but it might be out of date... http://alivemod.com/missions