Max number of factions fighting against each other?

  1. 7 years ago

    OK I have never built an ALiVE missions with more than 1 AI OPFOR and our players are typically fighting against that one AI OPFOR in our "deployments". So this is my first time with in attempting to do multiple factions and I am at a bit of a loss right now. I have 1 AI BLUFOR, 1 AI INDFOR and 1 AI OPFOR with a group of players assisting the BLUFOR against the indy and OPFOR factions who are set as assymetrical and the BLUFOR is set as occupation.

    At this time the indy faction refuses to engage blufor and vice versa but blufor engages opfor and indy engages opfor...what am I doing wrong? Why aren't my indy guys engaging the blufor at all? I am utterly confused on this one as its my first time and I have all my OPCOM's synced to the opposing sides military and civilian objectives.

    So the final piece is this....has anyone ever attempted a 3 way conflict with all three sides fighting each other?

  2. Make sure all sides are enemies of each other - I can't remember where the setting is in new Eden editor it's the same spot you set the name of the mission, weather, etc.

    See here for more info - you can also do it via setFriend in init.sqf

  3. Thanks @SavageCDN


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