Is this set up correctly? Please review my mission set up and point out mistakes

  1. 7 years ago

    A 6 min video walkthrough showing my modules and setup. Something is not quite right. There doesn't seem to be any civilians spawn on the main island when I'm present there. As you can see in the video, my intent isn't exactly being carried out and I'm not sure why. Also, you'll notice I revert a few things but I'm still getting memory read errors that hard stop the game in local MP tests. What do I need to change to get it to behave the way I'm intending?

  2. I don't see anything off to be honest. It should work just fine, the civilian part of it that is. I guess you can try turning on debug on the civilian modules and see what's happening.

    As a side note: The blacklist markers for the Syndicate faction objectives are redundant since the TOAR marker already restricts them to that area. It would only be useful if you'd want to blacklist an area within the TOAR in this case. It won't change anything, just a tip. :)

  3. With respect to the side note - good catch. I had had a problem with bad guys spawning where they shouldn't be but that was because of an incorrect C2ISTAR setting. But I still think I need the blacklist...

    As far as the civilian portion, If I shrink the OPFOR insurgency TOAR at onset, will they ever expand to the larger civilian population to recruit, attack, expand, etc? I basically want them go out side of their initial TOAR but never to the blacklist areas. I've seen examples of this in the wiki but I don't see how its supposed to work for my use case.

  4. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    If you restrict the insurgents to just a TAOR, they won't be aware of objectives outside of the TAOR area, so no, they'll never leave it. The easiest way to get them to leave, would be to sync the other side's objective modules (assuming their objectives are outside the TAOR) to the insurgent commander. If still not enough for your taste, you can add some custom objective modules anywhere you want them to go to as well.


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