Edited 7 years ago by Nichols
I am now getting this error popping up:
if(_position distance _profilePosition < _radius) the>
13:06:44 Error position: <distance _profilePosition < _radius) the>
13:06:44 Error Type String, expected Number
13:06:44 File \x\alive\addons\sys_profile\fnc_getNearProfiles.sqf [ALiVE_fnc_getNearProfiles], line 1817
13:06:44 Error in expression <n = _x select 2 select 2;
Along with this one:
12:44:46 Error in expression <(count _customCode > 0) && (diag_tickTime >= _c>
12:44:46 Error position: <_customCode > 0) && (diag_tickTime >= _c>
12:44:46 Error Undefined variable in expression: _customcode
IF @Tupolov ,@highhead, @Friznit or anyone can give a heads up on this please do so. It is frustrating us to no end.