Thanks! I just cant figure out what my problem is I have things set to even less than the default parameters but when I have say 9-10 people on the server just seems to tank. Frames drop to 2-5 FPS, units spawn in right in front of people with 1 unit spawning in every 5 seconds that dont have damage register on them at all. I try to restart the server manually/save it every 12 hours or so. Its on a good dedicated box ( i7-7700K OC - 64GB - SoftRaid 2x450GB NVMe) with only the arma server running with two headless clients. Ive been trying to figure it out for like a year but I have no idea what else to do. For mods Im on Lythium with RHS USAF, AFRF, GREF, Spyder Addons and TFAR.