Error Undefined Variable in expression: _profileid

  1. 6 years ago

    Negative. I'm just using the built in C2ISTAR module.

    Rabbit was able to fix my errors, but I'm not yet sure how (he's afk). I haven't been paying any attention to A3 updates, so he thinks there was an update and the map I was using is causing the autotasker to fail. Isla Abramia v3.9

    This is the only thing I could think might be getting in the way of the C2ISTAR module. Because it was all working fine and dandy two days ago.

    Once I know how he fixed it, I'll report back here and try to elaborate on what was causing the error.

  2. Yea man, I'm usually behind the computer all day long and into the evening. I'm based out of Idaho so GMT (UTC -07:00). Feel free to add me on steam and I'll get you the info and we can set up a stream or something to get this done.

    I just want to make sure that I do it right ( to the best of my ability ). Because I absolutely love this map lol. All modules work fairly well for the most part. AI spawns randomly all over the map as intended, IED's are present though often times spawn within our base lol, but so far ALiVE has given the guys and I many hours of fun on Isla Abramia already, spite not having an auto tasker =).

    See OP for contact info if you so choose.