Map Indexing failing (due to dewrp?)

  1. 6 years ago

    Any further word on this. This is a great map. Would love to have this indexed. I just spent all afternoon today, trying to do just that. And I can say, I ran into the EXACT same issues as posted by FwuXi. I hope this isn't one of the maps that is going to have a fault and not work with Arma 3. This map would be perfect for Alive!

  2. Ok. The tembelan.sqf keeps hanging up at the exact same place every time. I set up the command prompt, get through the part that says pbo is ok. get to the part where you need to hit the up arrow a few times to get to the scrolling process you see as it reads the pbo, and the up arrows will not work. Last night I let it sit at this point for over three hours. when the up arrow still refused to do anything, I hit enter and the command prompt went to The process connot access the file because it is being used by another process. and then the command prompt.

    This sqf file keeps hanging at the exact same object. I will post the last few lines of the sqf.....

  3. Yes, I switched Arma to windowed mode for this process. Arma still in black screen and nothing has changed in the baretail rpt since my last post. gonna keep letting it go and see what happens. I know when I was doing this through the command prompt last night, it went for three hours and I couldn't tell if it was working or not. But everytime I tried it showed the same fuel station cut off in the sqf and log.

  4. Ooooooh. You know what the problem could be...

    I bet the objects in the file got cut off. This is a known issue with larger maps that’s fixed for next release.

    Post the index here and I’ll check in a couple hours.