I put up my first mission on steam

  1. 6 years ago


    I didn't binarize the mission file.

    The only issue I had was when I playtested it, when I killed the last insurgent, the game did not end. I used a trigger for the ending:

    ((count ([getposATL thisTrigger, 2000, ["EAST","entity"]] call ALIVE_fnc_getNearProfiles)) < 1);

    CSTAR kept showing the profile.

    I got bored after that (maybe the patrolling is a little too realistic), so I am not sure what would happen, if the garbage collector would wipe out the profile or not.

    I'd appreciate some folks looking into it and giving some feedback. This is the first time in ages I've uploaded anything to the internet, much less anything that involved any kind of scripting (I think my last formal lesson in programming was in middle school with Pilot decades ago).

  2. Congrats on your first public mission.

  3. Nice! Congrats


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