Remove Combat Resupply from C2ISTAR?

  1. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by xetra11

    Hey guys!

    I want to provide the following setup or better said constraints for the types of Alive support controls.

    To use Resupply and Combat Support you have to own a SEM 70 radio
    To use C2ISTAR functions you have to own the Alive Tablet

    Constrain setup (in the editor modules):

    Combat Support: ACRE_SEM70
    Resupply: ACRE_SEM70
    C2ISTAR: alive_tablet

    When the player only owns a SEM 70 he has access to Resupply and Combat Support. Exactly what I wanted.
    When the player only owns the Alive Tablet he has access to C2ISTAR functions BUT also to Resupply.

    Is there a way to kind of remove Resupply from C2ISTAR?

    I hope I was clear enough on that issue!

  2. If you are referring to players being able to call for logistics (reinforcements, vehicles, etc.) check to see if you put down the Player Combat Logistics Module and change what you need to call Log. Support with (it's the first box)

  3. The problem here is that I cannot exclude "Resupply" from the options the C2ISTAR has. It always comes with "Resupply". But I want to separate both Options into two objects.

    SEM 70 for Resupply and
    Alive_Tablet for C2ISTAR

    atm. the Alive Tablet has C2ISTAR and Resupply because C2ISTAR does always come with the "Resuppy" option


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