[Discussion] What you would like to see improved in ALiVE?

  1. 6 years ago

    ALiVE has been active for many years and many things have been changed and created, the mod has evolved and today we have a unique mod that brings an unparalleled experience compared to any other mod out there.

    Of all the things that have already been inserted into the mod, what would you like to see improved in ALiVE?

    1) Tasks

    2) Transport

    3) Logistics

    4) Player Command

    5) Intel

    6) Combat Support

    7) Battlefield Intel (markers, map, squads and more)

    8) Experience between ALiVE and Player

  2. Edited 6 years ago by BvB

    Agree on some kind of "off map" air support. Lot of great maps, Kunduz, FATA, Schemwitz, and even some larger maps with one (if both sides need air support) or no airfields. A module that could be placed a km or more "off map" as an aircraft spawn point, maybe with settings for max # at a time, absolute max and even tie into logistics would be great.

    Also would like to see some form of "click to activate" system for piloting. This was talked about a little a long bit back, but something to designate an "active" area so units spawn in for pilots to attack. Currently must have a player or drone which isn't always possible.

    *Cobra, while not module based if you're having to gather config classes anyway for a whitelist, you can use a staticdata.sqf file to define crates etc for a given faction. The staticdata can be used on a per-mission basis.