ALIVE Profile Handler - Un-Registering vehicle profiles after player enters. Why?

  1. 5 years ago
    Edited 5 years ago by A Hamburgler

    So i have noticed when ever a player enters a vehicle for some reason it Un-Registers the profile which creates issue when you have an AI group and the player group in the vehicle. Not to mention if you try and find the vehicle profile you cannot because it Un-Register. Im wondering whats that reasoning behind this? Any info or help to combat this issue would be amazing.
    Heres an example of what my log says right after i get in any profiled vehicle.

    22:56:51 ALIVE Profile Handler - Un-Register Profile [-vehicle_92]
  2. Any info or help to combat this issue would be amazing.

    Log a ticket on our Github so it doesn't get lost. This should be a priority fix.

  3. Edited 5 years ago by A Hamburgler

    Roger that ill do that now. Issue also seems to happen regardless if the player is profiled or not. Also trying to take the old vehicle profile and re-registering it will kick everyone except the player out of the vehicle (Including the crew) and again the vehicle profile will almost immediately un-register.


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